could it be towers blinking in the distance?
no one is talking about a great swipe by Gervase
All the superhero movies, on steroids. Do we have an award for Superhero Junkie…..we know who would win that….
has to be Robert Downey Jr.
i think we have to move past the JEW complaint.
Is every JEW a zionist. Every uniformed cop corrupt. Every teacher sleeping with students. Everyone on Wall Street dishonest.
It cannot be all of a group.
The jews are fucked because they are the tool the zionists have used. We should acknowledge this and identify the true problem. I try to use zionist's or socialists when complaining about the enemy of USA.
meatpacking area of lower west side in the 80's was all trannies. Still there 2005. Eddie drove a black lamborghini and it was always seen there picking up he/shes.
who is america's dad now. Makes Cosby seem normal.
i understand all the roided actors. i did not even think the rock because he seems non drugs…not non peds.
the fact he said junkie screams downey/ironman.
you have to dig past the memes. cant be all. makey no sense.
the pic that describes every person on the chans!!!!!!! LOL.
it is really crazy out there.
the purpose of the program was to run balistics on the bullets of corpses in mexico to see how the cartels were getting weapons. I think the cartels caught on and sold some to make USA look bad. Damned if you do. It was a horrible plan. Or it was a great plan if you believe they really hate america.
I am not a fan of Holder from the 20th hijacker's computer, zachary moofassa, not being able to be searched due to his rights……