Anonymous ID: 034679 Jan. 8, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.7754369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7754073 pb

Hugh Jackman and his wife run a charity dealing with adopted children.

Hopeland Foundation

Did a dig into him a year to 2 years ago.


He has his wife also have 2 adopted kids.


He is a part of the art of Elysium( Marina Abromovic)



Hugh Jackman’s wife Deborra-Lee Furness decided to create her Hopeland foundation after struggling to adopt in her native Australia.


Furness and the Logan star adopted a son and daughter from the U.S. and she explains they originally applied to become parents Down Under and were told it was “too tricky”.

“I asked the question, I said, ‘Why is it so hard,’ and realised it’s because we had a system that was not working, that was not serving children who needed to find permanent families,” she told U.S. breakfast show Today on Friday (23Nov18).

Deborra-lee was so frustrated by her experience she began to seek out alternatives.

“We’ve been at this for 10 years,” she says. “Hopeland addresses the question, ‘Why are children not living in a permanent family…?’

And Hugh praises his wife for all the work that she has done to improve the issue.

“I am so proud of Deb,” he added. “She’s taught me so much about how to open your heart. When it comes to this, her heart just goes out where it needs to go and she’s relentless.”

Hugh and Deborra-lee, who are parents to son Oscar and daughter Ava, have been very open about their adoption journey and last year (17) the actor explained it was also important for them to adopt children of mixed race because kids in that demographic are often overlooked.

“Our motivation behind adopting was, ‘Where is the need?,'” he told People magazine. “And we just knew from talking with people in that space, when we were looking around, that the biggest need is in mixed race kids.”

“A lot of people go into (adoption thinking) it’s really important to them for the kid to look like them, and honestly, for Deb and I, that just never even was an issue,” he added.


Hugh Jackman’s wife created adoption foundation out of frustration