>>775685 The word in Hollywood is tthat Jim Carrey is very big in the Illuminati. A high priest, you might sat.
As soon as we VERIFY the correct info from the correct omnibus, we need to meme BIGLY and start ASAP dropping them on Twatter to help calm the masses! They don't know what we know. Something about Trump's Trojan Horse Omnibus maybe??
Sauce: Saw this earlier. Has not been clarified yet.Found in bread.
NOTICE: There are two different versions of the Omnibus bill that has been posted here and they are very different. I've been reading one since this afternoon and just found another version. The notables may be significantly different as the two are very different. I'm not sure which one is the final version; however, all anons should take note of this.
http ://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20180319/BILLS-115SAHR1625-RCP115-66.pdf
https ://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr1625/BILLS-115hr1625eah.pdf
Also, have large twatter acct, been monitoring all day, dropping truth bombs and the conservatives are IN-SANE! Majorly pissed! Just thought memes would help.