mQteam ID: 78b79b Notable Post March 23, 2018, 10:17 p.m. No.775689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5764

▶Anonymous  03/22/18 (Thu) 4013c4 No.




''The 2nd American Revolution that we are in began in 2008 with the election of Obama. Senior military officers knew they had to act. But they could not act immediately because there were traitors in the ranks. In addition when they looked at the recent history of US military intervention it was a HISTORY OF FAILURE. This revolution could not be allowed to fail.

Therefore they began in secret to plan a revolution that would be guaranteed to succeed. They enlisted the help of many patriots who had experience in the military branches and in intelligence agencies. They made use of powerful computers to wargame many simulations in order to learn the best and most low-risk path to success. They planned more deeply and thoroughly than the US military had ever planned before. They even consulted with select thinkers outside the USA, even in Russia. They learned how Putin had succeeded and what mistakes he had made. They ran more simulations. Many were fired by Obama because he did not trust them. But they kept their planning process secret from everyone.

Then as Obama's second term was ending they looked for the best person to become the next President. They chose Donald Trump from a very small list. He refused. Then they enlisted their best communicators to explain what and why. They walked Trump through the Obama-Clinton 16 year plan to a NWO. They pointed out that the only way for him to save his family, his children and grandchildren, was to save us all. And they prayed with him. God answered.

And here we are. But Trump is not our savior. He is the messenger of God. He is the sword of God. He is the very hand of God. But God only helps those who help themselves. And so it is WE THE PEOPLE who must stand up, wield the POWER THAT IS OURS, and make the world in our image, the one that we dream of, the one that we created in our minds.

We must get out in the real world and play the game. For some of us we will play the game of politics. For others we will play the game of Life. But we have no choice but to play.

All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players. For too long we have played the role of sheep and the elite have taken advantage of us. In order to stop this we must take on responsibility, heal the divisions, and love our neighbors.''


mQteam was my captcha message. LoL.

Anonymous ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 10:25 p.m. No.775738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5745

Q changed his trip-code today:








(Last post of his in the afternoon today...).

Anonymous ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.775847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5861



Ya, more posts from that anon:


▶Anonymous  03/22/18 (Thu) 4013c4 No.760509




There is no clearance higher than U

Only U can talk to God



Q_iet yoUr mind

Listen for the still small voice within U

This is where U can talk directly to God

There is no priest or pope higher than U

U can do it

U have the power

Tr_st what U know

Q is not the answer

U R the answer

Q is the messenger

U listen to Q

U learn from Q

After Q there is only U


Anonymous ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.775855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5897



Another one:


▶Anonymous  03/22/18 (Thu) 21:10:03 4013c4 No.760145

I know that POT_S has U covered.

I know that Tr_mp has U covered.

Jes_s has U covered.

But where is U in God?

U have the Power.

U and I m_st work together

Q leads and U follows

In the QUran

I have a st_ll small vo_ce w_th_n that comes from God.

U do too


U are not cattle


U are not sheep

Pray and U can re-link with God

U can feel the power of together.

Take that power to the comm_nity where U live.

No divisions in Unity

There is no I in TEAM

U can play the game of politics

U have more friends than you know.


Anonymous ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 10:45 p.m. No.775866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5894 >>5906 >>5914 >>6062 >>6231

Did you notice the symbol for the SES Secret Executive Services is a "Keystone" with 13 stars!!!


The Keystone for the Deep State is the SES and the SES ran the US Gov't. before Geotus took office, controlled by the FBI and CIA Director's. I believe Jimmy Carter ordered George H.W. Bush and Henry Kissinger to set up the SES as a secret shadow gov't.


Who really ran NK? The SES. I do believe the rogue fraction still existing in the US Gov't are left overs from the SES. Hence all the FF's and MK Ultra events. Geotus is draining the swamp but, must eliminate the rogue leftover SES federal employees. Andrew McCabe was one of them.


I'm looking forward to mass arrest.


Anonymous ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 10:46 p.m. No.775874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6062



Yes, it is illegitimate.


The Emergency Banking Act of 1933 dissolved the U.S. Fed Government and the banking cartel took over. Now we must restore our original constitution and senate per pre Civil War status.


The truth.

Anonymous ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.775885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5892 >>6062



Really great in depth article on how McCabe's firing and the story about the fake investigation into sessions is crafting the swamps new narrative they plan to push harrrd.


Sessions is not being investigated. Sessions is SES. So is WRay.




Anyone got a summary on it ?


I hear the bill says they plan to take our guns. True or not true? Good things in the bill? Bad things in the bill?

Anonymous ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 10:48 p.m. No.775892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5906 >>5915 >>6062



Rosenstein and Mueller are criminals.








500 lawyers in the DOJ give themselves raises.


They are all SES members. SES members giving each other raises each year.





The American SS Exposed






American Intelligence Media


Published on Mar 22, 2018


Douglas Gabriel and Michael


McKibben reveal the attorneys that control the SHADOW GOVERNMENT through the Senior Executive Services, often called Obama’s army.


Bruce Orr - in command of the DOJ - one of the lawers, cannot be fired because is SES!


This board is not elected and controls all elected people!


The SES controls all that goes on in our government.


500 people. Controls 2.5 millions employees via the DOJ SS. People appointed by Obama and Joe Biden.


They rotate from office to office, have no experience in the offices they move in to, running interference for Obama. They are all indoctrinated at the Senior Exec. Service in Virginia, where globalist corporist elitist pigs work with our enemies, train the SES members. They are a para-miltary organization with their own flag, own union.


SES was taken-over in 1978 and implemented by Cristine Marsi and Able Danger. The SES is now collapsing. See the searchable database for the SES and find-out who these people are.


They get top security clearances and do not have to pass any security checks.


500 un-elected, un-accountable attorneys make decisions for all the spending in our country!


The U.S. has been hijacked a long time ago by these people. They control all the spending of all Federal agencies in the U.S. They use the money to influence millions of people and their decisions. This is tyranny and abuse!


SES members get more then the vice-president!


Now we have a beautiful opportunity.


Bruce Orr contacted C Steele in the coup de etat. So Bruce Orr is an enemy of the state and all who contacted him are enemies of the state.


Christine Marcy set-up a new personal service - the SES - the fifth column, the opposition within.


SERCO started taking over one MIL contract after another. They teach SES members, hire SERCO.


SERCO is from England. They are an outside entity attacking our government.


The DOJ NAZI SS 500 - U.S. Nazy SS


SES NAZI ARMY - THE DOJ SS 500 who control 10,000 who control 2.5 million. SES- SERCO - all British Government.


SES pays the illegal Office of Special Council!


SES allows him to spend 100 million dollars for one case per year, in an attempt to over-throw the American people.


SERCO - an example of the rogue CIA.


The Council of 500 represents the Shadow Government.

Anonymous ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 10:52 p.m. No.775906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6062







• The SES members act with impunity, are above the law. They are involved in treason.


► Mueller, Comey, McCabe - never prosecute any true big criminals.


• McCabe covered-up the 4 Clinton scandals – investigations.


○ McCabe covered-up uranium one. Corruption in the state - covered-up.


• James Baker, John Carlin dropped from Mueller investigation the other day.


• Arrogance in the Federal courts - similar to arrogance of the KGB. Federal justice Department has rigged the system as a weapon against the American people.


• Comey´s 28 crimes of treason just in the election time.


► Mueller crimes - taught Comey how to be a criminal like him.


• CIA has so much influence, they turn to corporate intel to make money.


• Bush tried to assassinate Reagan to become President. He was involved in JFK murder. The WH has become a rogue CIA.


• Clintons started 25 foundations in Arkansas way before they came to Washington.


Alexander Downer started the investig. against Popudapolus and Trump. Gave 80 billion dollars to the Clinton Foundation. They take 95 -98% of donations for administrative costs. Money never went to Haiti. Ripped-off gold and uranium mines.


• FBI lawyers protected Hillary in the U1 scam and all the crimes she committed.


► Why can´t you indict Hillary? Because the SES - The CIA protect her!





He can get rid of them by paying them all one dollar and he will not need to fire them. They will all automatically quit.


See Thomas Pain and American Intel Media videos:


American Intelligence Media





Anonymous ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.775949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5966 >>5970

▶Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 03/23/18 (Fri) No.461


Clock activated.




See the maps. China is Red.




What country is green? North Korea?




The World is a stage.

See Trump 5 min., 5 Sec. in speech?

Trump asks question. Answer is yes.



Anonymous ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 11:18 p.m. No.776028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6062 >>6150



We already have also the Global Debt Facility intended for that purpose. No more need for new budgets, new debt to the banking cabal. They owe us TWO QUADRILLION DOLLARS. Any new debt is a sham.


  1. Firing all SES employees, the criminal Shadow Gov, will pay for the wall and raise trillions. (Or pay them $1 dollar a month each till they all quit, especially the 500 lawyers in the DOJ that control all the gov. - Nazi US SS in the DOJ!


  1. Collect back the money Hillary stole from the commercial collateral accounts:


Explained here:






  1. Have the banking families pay back what they owe us.


The Solution to Free The Planet!




  1. Implement The Millar Act, will raise billions a year for the government. (See American Intel media for details and my posts above).




Will generate 500 Billion a year in revenues for Trump and America!.


  1. No need for anyone to pay taxes if the stock market is regulated and taxed. Currently, the banking cartel speculates on the stock market and at least one third of the stock market is owned and rigged by the Roths, bankers - banking cartel.

mQteam ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.776113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6130 >>6146 >>6193


>Also, the WH was full of blood of murder when Trump came in…and now he is making it green and beautiful as nature. Get it?


And, we are now in stage 5 of 5….so hold hod..the rid has gotten rough but we are almost there!


Clock activated.









mQteam ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 11:38 p.m. No.776145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6151 >>6157 >>6169 >>6251



See this:






The British and bankers already did that at the Civil War and in 1897 with the fake Organic Constitution. Get it?


The Emergency Banking Act of 1933 dissolved the U.S. Fed Government. The current Congress and Gov is illegit. So thus, we can spend the funds of the appropriations any damn way we please. If Congress does not like it, use the MIl to arrest them all.

mQteam ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 11:42 p.m. No.776163   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6178 >>6190 >>6198



Yes, we are debt free. Trump needs to wake-the-F-up and get us out of debt now. No more playing around and giving-in to the treasonous banking cartel Trump. Congress has sold our contry out to the highest bidder. It is high time we now shut it down and form our new Congress, restore the Constitution of 1787-1789. Fuck Congress, fake, serving the banking cartel! The Emergency Banking Act of 1933 dissolved the U.S. Fed Government. The current gov. is thus illegit. Fuck it.

mQteam ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 11:55 p.m. No.776251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6270 >>6279 >>6281



>You don't get it do you anon? Trust that the MI will do everything needed now that they have their funding.


No, you are the one that does not get it. They are getting the funding by raising the national debt = more money owed to the scam federal reserve and banking cartel, who are taking us for a ride. That is idiocy, not brilliant. See my last posts:






What is WS?

The Yuan claims it is being backed by what is a Petro Yuan?





You have no clue, we allready are free of debt, because the banking cartel owes us TWO QUADRILLION DOLLARS. So with a stroke of an exec. order, the assets of the Roths and other bankers can be seized. You forgot to read the plan and are just assuming we have not figured-out how to do it.


See this:




And all the links here:




The Solution to Free The Planet!






And see my other posts above explaining all of this.


You are clearly the stupid clown, not me, you dumb idiot.

mQteam ID: 78b79b March 23, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.776264   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just re-posted it. Thanks for the post!



>We are still in Stage 2


>Could be 5 by 5 (We hear you loud & clear)


>or HRC 5.5 raw vid.


How can you claim we are only in stage 2? How do you know that?

mQteam ID: 78b79b March 24, 2018, 12:01 a.m. No.776306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6318



Attempt to impeach will allow us to put into practice quickly and immediately the full martial law, shut-down Congress, convention of the states, and restore The Constitution of 1787 -1789. That will be the trigger signal to implement all I have explained above.