1243-3: Housing Certificate Fund
Rescinding of old contract authorities (1974)
1244: Public Housing Capital Fund
1.85B (increased by 2M)
o 8.3M support ongoing public housing financial and physical assessment activities
o 1M for administrative and judicial receiverships
o 20M to make grants
o 5M for safety and security
o 35M supportive services
o 15M for Jobs Plus initiative
1247-9: Public Housing Op Fund
4.4B (reduced by 10M)
Choice Neighborhood Initiative
20M for community development and foreclosure conversions
o 10M to Public Housing agencies
o 1M to grants for local planning
1249-18: Family Self-Sufficiency
1250-19: Native American Housing Block Grants
o 3.5M organization representation
o 2M for the national organization
o 3.5 for inspection
o 2M in guarantees notes and other obligations
Not to exceed 17.39M to subsidize the total principles
1253-11: Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Fund Program
1.486B in subsidies
o 750K administrative contract expenses
o 1.727M for construction of rental housing for Law Enforcement
466.8M in subsidy principles
1254-13: Community Planning and Development (AIDS)
356M (increased 19M)
1255-6: Community Development Funds
2.96B (increased 10M and 100M)
o 2.9B for carrying out the community development block grant program
o 60M for Indian tribes notwithstanding on 106(a)
o 4M for imminent threats to safety
1256-21: Community Development Loan Guarantees
1257-11: Home Investment Partnership Program
1258-7: Self-Help and Assisted Homeownership Op Program
o 10M for the actual program
o 30M for the second, third, fourth building capacity building activities
o 5M rural capacity building activities
o 5M training, information, and research to local nonprofits, local governments and Indian tribes
1259-8: Homeless Assistance Grants
o 270M Emergency Solution Grants
o 2.1B Continuum of Care and Rural Housing Stability Assistance programs
o 7M national homeless data analysis
Unaccompanied youth 24 and younger or families headed by youth 24 and under can be served by youth serving providers
1262-8: Housing Programs (Project Based Rental Assistance)
10.68B (plus 400M already appropriated)
1264-4: Housing for the Elderly
90M service coordinators
o Shall not exceed 5 year contracts
1265-20: Housing for the Persons with Disabilities
1267-9: Housing Counseling Assistance:
o 4.5Madministrative contract
1268-5: Rental Housing Assistance:
1268-20: Payment to Manufactured Housing Fees Trust Fund:
1270: Federal Housing Administration Mutual Mortgage Insurance Program Account:;
o 5M obligated to direct loans
o 135M for loans to nonprofits and governmental entities in connection with sales
o 200B for extent guarantees loan commitments
1.4K for administrative contract expenses for every 1M in additional loan commitments (no case shall it exceed 30M)
1271-8: General and Special Risk Program Account
30B in new commitments but shall not exceed in total loan principle
5M shall be for loans for nonprofits and governmental entities
1272: Governmental National Mortgage Association (Guarantees of Mortgage-backed securities Loan Guarantee Program Account)
New commitments shall not exceed 500B
o 25.4M for salaries and expenses
o Extent that guaranteed loans commitments exceeds 155B
100$ for necessary salaries and expenses shall be available until expended for each 1M
• Shall not exceed 3M by the proviso
1272-22: Policy Development and Research
o Partners must match at least 50% towards cost of project
1274-4: Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (Fair Housing Activities)
o 300k shall be available to the Secretary of Urban Development for the creation and promotion of programs that assist of persons with limited English
1275-3: Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (Lead Hazard Reduction)
130M to be retained
o 25M for Healthy Homes Initiative
o Shall include research, studies, testing, education and outreach
o 50M on a competitive basis for areas with highest lead-based paint abetment needs
Recipient needs to provide no less than 25%
1276-17: Information Tech Fund