Anonymous ID: 96c64c March 23, 2018, 9:54 p.m. No.775552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5584 >>5602







1243-3: Housing Certificate Fund

  • Rescinding of old contract authorities (1974)

1244: Public Housing Capital Fund

  • 1.85B (increased by 2M)

o 8.3M support ongoing public housing financial and physical assessment activities

o 1M for administrative and judicial receiverships

o 20M to make grants

o 5M for safety and security

o 35M supportive services

o 15M for Jobs Plus initiative

1247-9: Public Housing Op Fund

  • 4.4B (reduced by 10M)

Choice Neighborhood Initiative

  • 20M for community development and foreclosure conversions

o 10M to Public Housing agencies

o 1M to grants for local planning

1249-18: Family Self-Sufficiency

  • 75M

1250-19: Native American Housing Block Grants

  • 654M

o 3.5M organization representation

o 2M for the national organization

o 3.5 for inspection

o 2M in guarantees notes and other obligations

 Not to exceed 17.39M to subsidize the total principles

1253-11: Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Fund Program

  • 5.5M

  • 1.486B in subsidies

o 750K administrative contract expenses

o 1.727M for construction of rental housing for Law Enforcement

 466.8M in subsidy principles

1254-13: Community Planning and Development (AIDS)

  • 356M (increased 19M)

1255-6: Community Development Funds

  • 2.96B (increased 10M and 100M)

o 2.9B for carrying out the community development block grant program

o 60M for Indian tribes notwithstanding on 106(a)

o 4M for imminent threats to safety

1256-21: Community Development Loan Guarantees

  • 300M

1257-11: Home Investment Partnership Program

  • 850M

1258-7: Self-Help and Assisted Homeownership Op Program

  • 45M

o 10M for the actual program

o 30M for the second, third, fourth building capacity building activities

o 5M rural capacity building activities

o 5M training, information, and research to local nonprofits, local governments and Indian tribes

1259-8: Homeless Assistance Grants

  • 2.383B

o 270M Emergency Solution Grants

o 2.1B Continuum of Care and Rural Housing Stability Assistance programs

o 7M national homeless data analysis

 Unaccompanied youth 24 and younger or families headed by youth 24 and under can be served by youth serving providers

1262-8: Housing Programs (Project Based Rental Assistance)

  • 10.68B (plus 400M already appropriated)

1264-4: Housing for the Elderly

  • 573M

  • 90M service coordinators

o Shall not exceed 5 year contracts

1265-20: Housing for the Persons with Disabilities

  • 147M

1267-9: Housing Counseling Assistance:

  • 50M

o 4.5Madministrative contract

1268-5: Rental Housing Assistance:

  • 14M

1268-20: Payment to Manufactured Housing Fees Trust Fund:

  • 11M

1270: Federal Housing Administration Mutual Mortgage Insurance Program Account:;

  • 400B

o 5M obligated to direct loans

o 135M for loans to nonprofits and governmental entities in connection with sales

o 200B for extent guarantees loan commitments

 1.4K for administrative contract expenses for every 1M in additional loan commitments (no case shall it exceed 30M)

1271-8: General and Special Risk Program Account

  • 30B in new commitments but shall not exceed in total loan principle

  • 5M shall be for loans for nonprofits and governmental entities

1272: Governmental National Mortgage Association (Guarantees of Mortgage-backed securities Loan Guarantee Program Account)

  • New commitments shall not exceed 500B

o 25.4M for salaries and expenses

o Extent that guaranteed loans commitments exceeds 155B

 100$ for necessary salaries and expenses shall be available until expended for each 1M

• Shall not exceed 3M by the proviso

1272-22: Policy Development and Research

  • 85M

o Partners must match at least 50% towards cost of project

1274-4: Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (Fair Housing Activities)

  • 65m

o 300k shall be available to the Secretary of Urban Development for the creation and promotion of programs that assist of persons with limited English

1275-3: Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (Lead Hazard Reduction)

  • 130M to be retained

o 25M for Healthy Homes Initiative

o Shall include research, studies, testing, education and outreach

o 50M on a competitive basis for areas with highest lead-based paint abetment needs

 Recipient needs to provide no less than 25%

1276-17: Information Tech Fund

  • 150M

Anonymous ID: 96c64c March 23, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.775584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5596 >>5602


Cont. 1277-9: Office of Inspector General

  • 128.1M for necessary salaries and expenses

1277-16: General Provisions- Dept of Housing and Urban Development (Including transfer of funds)((including rescission))

Sec. 201: 50% of cash amounts recaptured shall be remitted to the Treasury

  • The Secretary may award up to 15% of the budget authority or cash recapture and not remitted to the Treasury to provide project ownership incentives to refinance their project at a lower interest rate.

Sec. 202: none of these funds may be used during the fiscal year of 2018 to investigate or prosecute under the Fair Housing Act any otherwise lawful activities engaged in by one or more persons, with the purpose of achieving or preventing action by the Government official or entity

Sec. 203: Any grant, cooperative agreement or other assistance made to Title II shall be made on a competitive basis

Sec. 204: Funds of the Department of Housing and Urban Development are subject to the Government Corporation Control Act

Sec. 205: Stay within budget and yall shall be good to go.

Sec. 207: The Secretary shall provide reports quarterly to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations regarding all uncommitted, unobligated, recaptured and excess funds in each jurisdiction of the Department and give updated budget information to these Committees upon request

Sec. 208: for 2019 Budget nothing shall exceed what is set forth.

Sec. 209: no funds are to be used to Audit the Government National Mortgage Association

Sec. 210-A: Notwithstanding any other provision, The Secretary may transfer debt held or insured by low-income and very low-income multifamily housing projects to another multi-family project or projects (BALL AND CUP?)

Sec. 210-B: PHASED TRANSFERS: transfers in project based assistance ma be done in phases to accommodate the financing and other requirements related to rehabilitating or constructing the project to which the assistance is being transferred.

Sec. 210-C: For A, the following conditions apply

    1. Number of Bedrooms size of units

o Cannot transfer to smaller units and the and the net dollar amount of Federal assistance provided to the transferring [project shall stay the same

o For unoccupied units, the Secretary may reconfigure to allow for reconfiguration pf bedroom size to meet current market demand, but cannot increase the base project assistance budget.

    1. The transferring project shall be deemed ether physically obsolete or economically nonviable

    1. Projects shall meet physical standards established by the Secretary

    1. Owner of the Mortgage shall provide all appropriate certifications of approval by the appropriate local government officials.

    1. Tenants transferring shall be able to stay in the old project until the new one is available for occupancy

    1. The Secretary determines that the transfer is in the best interest of the tenants

  • 7.Waivers on liens can be waived by the Secretary if determined necessary in acquisition, construction, and/or rehabilitations of the receiving projects.

    1. If the transferring project meets requirements, the receiving project shall execute

    1. The transfer shall not increase the cost unless the necessary appropriations are provided in advance.

  • The Secretary shall conduct a report on all effects of the transfer

Sec. 211-A: No Assistance:

  1. No housing shall be provided for anyone enrolled as a student

  2. Under 24

  3. Is not a Veteran

  4. Unmarried

  5. Does not have a dependent

  6. Is not a person with disabilities

  7. Not a youth left foster care at age 14 or older

  8. Or otherwise not individually eligible, or has parents that are not, individually or jointly, are not eligible

Sec. 211-B: Determining eligibility, any financial assistance for Higher Learning private sources, shall be considered income, except a person over 23 with dependents.

Anonymous ID: 96c64c March 23, 2018, 10 p.m. No.775596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5602 >>5760



Sec. 214: Disposing of any multi-family property that is owned or has a mortgage held by the Secretary of HUD, during the process of foreclosure, the Secretary shall maintain any rental assistance payments and any other programs attached to the dwelling. If rehabilitation cannot be done in a cost effective manner, they may provide rental assistance to another existing housing property.

Sec. 215: commitment authority may be used to make other commitments, notes, and other obligations issued by any State in accordance with requirements

Sec. 216: Public Housing agencies that own less than 400 public housing units may be exempt from any asset management requirements

Sec. 217: The Secretary shall not impose guidelines that restricts or limits in any way the use of capitol funds for central office cost

Sec. 218: no official or employee shall be designated as a allotment holder unless properly trained. Each HUD sub office shall have at least one.

Sec. 219: The Secretary shall notify the public of availability of assistance or notice of funding availably that is to be competitive.

Sec. 220: Payments of attorney fees shall be paid by the Office of General Counsel salaries and expenses appropriations. The annual budget submission shall include any such projected litigation costs and line item requests. Nothing shall be paid until a review is submitted

Sec. 221: 10% or 4M may be transferred, whichever is less, of funds appropriated for any office under the heading ‘Administrative Support Office’ . Anything exceeding this need prior written approval within 3 business days of such transfer.

Sec. 222-A: any entity receiving housing assistance shall keep and maintain decent, safe, and sanitary conditions.

Sec. 222-B: The Secretary shall take action when a contract receives a UPSC score of less than 60 or when one fails to certify in writing to the Secretary within 3 days that all Exigent Health and Safety deficiencies identified by the inspector have been corrected

• These apply to insured and noninsured projects attached to Section 8 or 9

• Within 15 days of the REAC inspection, the Secretary must provide the owner with a Notice of Default with a specific timetable to correct all deficiencies and must provide a notice to the tenants. If the appeal score is above 60 then the Secretary may withdraw the Notice of Default

  • If at the end of the allotted time to correct the deficiencies, the Secretary may require immediate replacement of the project management, impose civil money penalties which shall be used to fix said issues. They may abate the section 8 contract or peruse transfer, and be put on the no-no list.

Sec. 223: No funds available shall go to or be used by any public housing agency for any amount of salary.

Sec. 224: None of the funds in this Act shall be used in doctoral dissertation research grant program at HUD

Sec. 225: Wording changes, boring

Sec. 226: No funds shall be used to make a Grant award unless the Secretary notifies the House and Senate Committees of Appropriations lot less than 3 business days

Sec. 227: No funds shall be used by the FHA, GNMA, or the D-HUD to insure, securitize, or establish a Federal guarantee of any mortgage back security that refinances or otherwise replaces a mortgage that has been subject to eminent domain condemnation or seizure.

Sec. 229: None of these funds may be used to terminate the status of a unit of general local government as a metropolitan city

Sec. 230: Any accrued unexpected amounts may be reobligated and shall be immediately become available that fiscal year or the subsequent fiscal year

< i need a few beers

