Anonymous ID: 53b65e Jan. 8, 2020, 2 p.m. No.7755274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5319


Ricky is such a nice guy. Made me super angry when he told me about what happened to him, and his sleazy ex-manager, Joby Harte, who is still hanging around sets with young stars, including another one of my clients who is on a Nickelodeon show. Ricky asked me one afternoon if I was "like super religious," and as a Christian I hate that word, but I said, "Yeah, sure, I am 'super religious.'" He said, "Me, too, man. I'm a Christian, but I'm like a full-on Born Again Christian." I said, "Me, too, Ricky." Always asking Anons to pray for him and his mom. Ricky's bravery in exposing this has caused him to lose some of his supposed "friends" out here in LA. And the more we can dig on Joby Harte, scumball pedophile manager extraordinaire, the better. Peace.

Anonymous ID: 53b65e Jan. 8, 2020, 2:12 p.m. No.7755380   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seriously, because we're all, like, totally OBSESSED with Paul Krugman, failed economist, mental midget, and kiddie diddler. We have nothing better to do. Meanwhile, he's gonna live Tweet his arrest tonight, like I said. kek