Anonymous ID: 4eeef6 Jan. 8, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.7758124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8144

8 chan is mentioned in new TV show EVIL


In this new series that tries to "normalize" evil by having the main characters act very skeptical about demonic possession and evil,


there is a malevolent character who is a demon, who encourages a young man to hurt women, tells him to go to "an incel group on 8chan".

They show the young man on a video chat with 4 other young men in the incel group, one of them has a big American flag behind him, as the 5 of them talk about gaining power.


Obviously they made the show before 8kun.


Over the summer, this show had ads on buses in NYC, on the FRONT of the buses as well as the sides. The first time I saw it was a bus moving towards me with the GIGANTIC word on the front:

EVIL coming right at me. Imagine the millions of people who was subjected to this every day while they had these bus ads up.

EVIL roaming the streets of NYC. just marketing?