Anonymous ID: 51e611 Jan. 8, 2020, 6:38 p.m. No.7758007   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7756412 (pb)

Quoting: >>7755426, >>7755278 Krugman/Qanoned now going viral (pb)


Me again, PEDO-sta Emailfag, and I'm sorry to say that I'm still working tonight. But on a break I had another thought about the 118 PAUL KRUGMAN results in the PEDO-sta emails.


I realize that many of those results might just be emails transmitting some fake news stories that Krugman wrote, so I thought maybe we should broaden the scope of the search by searching for only Krugman’s last name. We’re already fishing, so what the heck?


Here are the results for only "Krugman" (without the first name of "Paul").


Recall - here are the 118 results for Paul Krugman -


Now, here are the 138 results for Krugman without the first name -


I will dig more after work. But maybe we can keep an eye out on who sent the emails to whom, and what the connections between and among the parties may be. You never know how they’re connected after hours. . . .


For example, I saw one email inviting people to attend some League of Conservation Voters 40th Anniversary Dinner

"Celebrating 40 years of turning environmental values into national priorities" - held on Monday, October 4, 2010, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, 109 East 42nd Street at Grand Central Terminal

New York, NY, Featuring Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize Laureate and New York Times Columnist.


That email is here:


Hmmm. A bunch of people getting together for a hoax topic, in New York after work. I'm wondering who attended this "conservation" event? What might have gone on after the event? What other things are located near the venue? Are there tunnels nearby? Who sends and receives these emails containing "Paul Krugman" or just "Krugman"? How are they connected, if not professionally (or ONLY professionally)? Are any of them socializing, praising each other, or bad-mouthing each other? It's all relevant, in my opinion.


Something tells me that there may be some info in PEDO-sta Emails. I always start there. If industrious Anons have time, perhaps you guys could search all of Wikileaks (Sony Emails, etc.) for "Krugman" and "Paul Krugman."


It would be great to start connecting senders and receivers with people who we already know lost handkerchiefs in houses on Martha's Vineyard or people who like walnut sauce or talk about "pizza related maps."


I have to do an all-nighter or else I'd join the Night Shift tonight. One of these days I'm going to create a database of the emails' senders, receivers, and topics. That could be pretty informative to see who spoke about what with whom.


‘’’BONUS’’’ - an interesting bonus to all this nosing around in the PEDO-sta emails is that you'll invariably stumble across interesting other things, like the following email regarding "DEBATE" ( ). These seemingly unrelated emails might be very satisfying to us patriots, in and of themselves, even if they don't pertain to Krugman's porn problem.


In the following bonus email I stumbled across, PEDO-sta wrote:


‘’’Bush sucked. I'm glad Hillary is obsessed with the one candidate who would be easiest to beat. : ) Besides Trump, of course.’’’


Wrong, PEDO-sta. So wrong. President Trump won. We won.

Q showed up. You're all going down. God wins.


Anyway, that's all I can post for this break. Thank you guys for expanding and continuing to dig. I'm still shocked that Krugman opened himself up to this kind of scrutiny by admitting that he has CP on his CPU.


On the bright side, maybe this is how we get to force the Q question. . . .