Anonymous ID: 640c86 Jan. 9, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.7761631   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The cabal climate agenda cult is pushing veganism because it's part of their plans for the next era of control.


They want western men and women to be pacified and placated, they have been poisoning our food and medical supplies for decades, and offering endless distractions in entertainment to achieve that end. 50%+ of Americans are obese or overweight, chronic lifestyle disease is rampant. These are the woefully unaware causalities of the dark agenda.


The other side of that spectrum is the conscious/athletic/meditative individual that is seeking a better path. [They] seek to control this side of the spectrum too. The socially & environmentally conscious people are being corralled into falling on a sword of misplaced-guilt. Though the core ethos of veganism is a high minded ideal (cause the least amount of suffering possible), it is going to be used to push the population into deleterious beliefs and actions. The way Christian ideals of 'turn the other cheek' have been used to manipulate populations into submitting to tyranny, the Vegan/Veg ethos is being used to manipulate people into ensuring their own slavery & annihilation (Carbon Tax enslavement/ Agenda 2030-depopulation).


From an agricultural/ biodiversity standpoint, I think massive reduction in meat consumption is a necessary outcome of the industrialized rearing and slaughter process that has grown with the world population explosion of the last century. (Recent estimates put land animal biomass at only 4% for Wild Animals, and 96% Human + Livestock.) This is a very expensive endeavor for even the cabal to maintain. Also the mono-culture (gmo Corn,Soy,Wheat) model is killing our soil, and we are speeding headlong into another dustbowl situation. However the current agribusiness model is dependent on animal agriculture, so many powerful lobbyists and corporate entities are going to resist having their source of income stymied by environmentalists.


It's all about control, and it's a bit like watching warring factions re-arrange deckchairs on the Olympic. Self-sufficiency/Autonomy is the best way forward.