He doesn't have a point. His intention is to cause emotional harm to the reader, incite violent responses, and general spread pain. Power of life and death in the tongue, and those that use their tongue to inflict pain are the enemy; plain and simple.
We all have skills and talents. For some, finding out what those are is best done in an environment that is structured, and tailored to exploit (not in a negative way) those talents. Conscription has always been an important aspect of any free country, and the people that scoff at this have no conceptual understanding of the price that has to be paid to maintain freedom.
Yes, the cabal has taken advantage of this. Yes, they have fooled well-intentioned folk into causing harm to each other through wars. No, this does not mean that all servicemen/women are bad. It means people like Kingsbury are fucking dolts.
Don't be a dolt, anon, and remember why we're here.