Anonymous ID: 28e3c5 Jan. 9, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.7763505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3645


they are just setting the table

remember the cleavage when she finally returned to screen, from the atrocious vile gang rape, now the sexual-ized Fox presentation, yet yesterday her all day couch surfing is all conservative up to the neck ware.

she is earning cred now so when justice does not happen and the falling away of anons begins, it is one of who will rope you back in

Fox news was started because of the effectiveness of Ross Perot harming the 2 party system

Fox news plays just conservative enough to be "fair and balanced" because those who don't internet have no other choice, and their children (brainwashed through education can silence most of them)

when they need to get you back in line her no agenda cred will disarm you

look all around you, Iran and Impeachment are distractions from what you can't see happening right now, it is not justice Q style, Barr has his own crimes, will he arrest himself and be sentenced under his watch for the crimes of cover up during his previous term?

these are the things your I am a good follower mind throws out because they can't be rationalized.

Anonymous ID: 28e3c5 Jan. 9, 2020, 11 a.m. No.7763524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


every patriot and i mean every patriot go to your local capitol 1 day a month (second Tuesday) at a prescribed time, say like 3 pm so east coast and west coast are out demanding accountability to our constitution.

this way you can be seen and heard and the politicians don't get to pretend they are representing the whole of their district.

as more time passes, those who see people assemble publicly, they will grow in confidence.

as long as we stay hidden online and not counted while the left gets the media fawning and lying, nothing is going to change except for your freedoms.

If Q was legit and not part of the OWO plan, Q would have already encouraged this type of action from the beginning.

Yes i'm talking about peaceful and civil demonstrations as a shock to those sheltered, eventually the media has to cover the large groups as people start to wonder what is going on.

I fear we have already been placated to long though

what about you, do you have any ideas that don't require other people to do for you?

Anonymous ID: 28e3c5 Jan. 9, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.7763568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3606 >>3796 >>3844


you guys don't want the truth

you want hope in the Q story

your hope has been used against you

O-bung-hole hope and change

Trump, do everything right (conservative hope and change) until 2022 when total realized power can be used absolutely, then the rapid fire alteration of USA due to a world wide problem (created/manufactured)

you like hope, it requires little from you and you get to stay comfy

stay comfy frens

enslavement begins

OWO backdoor 16 year plan > dig it

Anonymous ID: 28e3c5 Jan. 9, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.7763645   🗄️.is 🔗kun


same applies to media onslaught of everything queen/crown related

merkel/harry are for when the dust settles, if the crown took to much damage, they have to have a fall back

that union of the west and east we can all fall back to sleep under.

Anonymous ID: 28e3c5 Jan. 9, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.7763808   🗄️.is 🔗kun


got it

God wins

through free will of

Satan worship

child sacrifice

blood letting

molestation of children



Had God provided an unchanging unalterable instruction pamphlet (not big book), I might of been a believer of your ideology, but God didn't, God left man to discern mans word for Gods intention.

I tried your system many times throughout my life, like Q once immersed in the word, one can't help but find falsehoods and contradictions.

My astrological life number is 22, thanks for the nod, astrology as generic as it is holds more truth that the big book that says do not use astrology but the stars (firmament) has and holds the signs

but may God bless you and yours, and if your right, then I burn in hell for blasphemy.

I'm well aware of all the arguments, in the end it's tribalism, geographic, and historical with the to "the winner goes the spoils" writes the history

do you consult all 88 original canonized books, or just the 66 recognized books?

God knew all, but needed a new book to tell you he was wrong and Jesus showed him you have to be supernatural to follow his laws?

If God is law than Satan need only move you the tinniest of degrees from God's law in order to win your soul, think about it, who's word are you following?

Anonymous ID: 28e3c5 Jan. 9, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.7763878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3905


you dispute my theory than uphold it in your answer, best option/awaken/suicidal

before Q, did it not occur to you that the powers that be were looking for a civil war?

these powers like getting their way and time is on their side, every passing year, they realize more power not lesseven if Trump is good, he can still be outplayed as witnessed in the time to justice (no justice)(falling away of those who care)

ou can trust Q for one thing for certain PAIN is coming

Incoming PAIN





Anonymous ID: 28e3c5 Jan. 9, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.7764012   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if it Jesus return and winning souls from God then they only have to beat his return by a day, and masses will be led astray.

if you want to follow the word, just wonder if the miracle you think is coming just may be a setup to receive what Satan puts in front of you.

he says narrow is the path and few will enter the gate does not = WWG1WGA it does = OWO though

If you were put here because you asked to be here for this time, than why are you not putting more skin in the game? why in secret rooms and not in public? does that sound solid in belief of your maker and his war of truth/light

I would never want to help lead God's children astray, I just can't see the separation between the church/religion/ and the ruling class.

as far as 2020 he says the season is knowable, just not the day and hour, however some critical parts of the prophecy have yet to occur, for me to accept whatever is coming in 2020