Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.7763278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3330

GOP Lawmaker Introduces Resolution to Censure Pelosi For Not Sending Articles of Impeachment to Senate


Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-AL) on Thursday introduced a resolution to censure House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for holding on to the two articles of impeachment.


Power-hungry Pelosi is still refusing to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate unless they bow to her demands.


“Speaker Pelosi’s decision to hold the articles of impeachment against President Trump in a pathetic and unconstitutional attempt to extract concessions from the Senate is an unprecedented abuse of power,” Byrne said in a statement, according to The Hill.


“The Constitution grants the House the power to censure its members, the most serious rebuke the House can give a member short of expulsion,” he said. “An adopted censure resolution would require the offending member to stand in the well of the House and have the resolution read aloud. The last censure resolution adopted by the House occurred in 2010.”


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) laid down the law on Wednesday and told off House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.


“There will be no haggling with the House over Senate procedure. We will not cede our authority to try this impeachment. The House Democrats’ turn is over. The Senate has made its decision. This is for the Senate, and the Senate only, to decide,” McConnell said in a tweet.


“Sadly, Leader McConnell has made clear that his loyalty is to the President and not the Constitution,” Pelosi wrote in a letter to colleagues this week. “Leader McConnell has insisted that the approach under consideration is identical to those of the Clinton trial and that ‘fair is fair.’ This is simply not true.”


McConnell said on Tuesday that the Senate has the votes to move forward with phase one of the impeachment trial.


“Fifty-one senators determine what we do and there will be, I’m sure, intense discussion, once we get past phase one, about the whole witness issue,” McConnell said, while also insisting that the Senate first receive the articles from the House.


The resolution to condemn Pelosi is not expected to pass in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives since nearly every Dem lawmaker has already shown they will walk the plank for Pelosi.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.7763290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3521 >>3753 >>3920 >>3957

Court Approves $3.6 Billion For Border Wall; Trump Takes To Twitter


A federal appeals court has overturned a lower court ruling to allow the Trump administration to divert $3.6 billion in military construction funds to fund expanded construction on the president’s southern border wall.


In a 2-1 ruling, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, based in New Orleans, granted a ruling by a Texas judge, which put the funds on hold.


The latest ruling give Trump yet another victory on his campaign plan to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. The Supreme Court last July set aside a similar injunction issued by a federal judge in Oakland, Ca.


Trump applauded the move.


“Breaking News: The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just reversed a lower court decision & gave us the go ahead to build one of the largest sections of the desperately needed Southern Border Wall, Four Billion Dollars. Entire Wall is under construction or getting ready to start!” the president wrote on Twitter.


“The latest ruling applies to the military construction funds. Last September, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper authorized diverting $3.6 billion in the construction funds for 11 wall projects on the southern border with Mexico. The Pentagon said at the time that half the money was coming from deferred projects overseas, and the other half was planned for projects in the US,” CNN reported.


The ruling doesn’t apply to the use of other funds, including counter-drug and Treasury Forfeiture Funds, that have been designated for wall construction.


In February 2019 Trump ended a 35-day government shutdown when Congress gave him $1.4 billion in wall funding, far less than he had sought. He subsequently declared a national emergency to get money from other government accounts to construct sections of the wall.


“We don’t control our own border,” Trump claimed at the time. “We’re going to confront the national security crisis on our southern border and we’re going to do it — one way or the other we have to do it.”

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.7763302   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GRAPHIC footage from France’s Rouen shows levels of police violence that enraged protesters nationwide


Demonstrators have been left bloodied and beaten after clashes with riot police in the French city of Rouen, as authorities clamp down on the pension reform protests which have swept the country.


Eyewitness footage from the scene shows riot police engaging with demonstrators in, ever-increasingly aggressive encounters, ranging from pushing and shoving, to tear gassing, before eventually the police begin swinging batons at the unarmed protesters.


One man was filmed with blood streaming down his face after the encounter. The bloodied 61-year-old was treated at the scene by paramedics and firefighters, before being transferred to Rouen University Hospital.


There was at least one arrest as a result of the scuffles, and several people were reportedly injured.


Pension reform marches turned violent across the country, with brutal flare ups in the capital Paris, as well as in smaller cities nationwide.



Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.7763319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3521 >>3753 >>3920 >>3957

Iraq Reopens Negotiations For Purchase Of Russian S-300 Air Defense Systems


With Iraq's airspace being frequently violated by American and even Israeli bombing raids against the country's paramilitary units backed by Iran of late, Iraq has for the last several months considered purchasing Russian air defense and missile systems, including both the S-300 and more advanced S-400, however, it has been met with fierce pressure from the US.


And now Russian media is reporting authorities in Baghdad have formally resumed talks to possibly acquire the S-300 systems. Head of the Iraqi Parliament’s Security and Defense Committee, Mohammad Reza, has indicated negotiations were renewed following the latest attacks initiated nearly two weeks ago on Shiite Popular Mobilization Forces.


"The issue was supposed to be solved several months ago after attacks on Shiite militia al-Ḥashd ash-Sha'bi [Popular Mobilization Forces, PMF] bases in Baghdad and other provinces created the need for such air defenses", the lawmaker was quoted in Russia's Sputnik as saying.



It was first revealed in September that Baghdad was mulling the purchase of the S-300. This after a summer in which Israel brazenly launched multiple drone and aerial attacks on PMF bases which at first had 'mysterious' origins, but was later confirmed to have the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) behind them.


According to Iraqi official sources, those initial purchase talks were quashed when Washington vehemently objected, also at a moment parliament officials and the public were increasingly angered over unilateral US bombing raids against PMF sites conducted without the knowledge or approval of Iraq's government and military.


At the point when talks were initiated with Russia in September, international reports counted nine strikes in total on Iraq's paramilitary forces — in some cases while they were allegedly operating just across the country's western border with Syria.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.7763337   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gaps in UK legal system allow known sex offenders to travel overseas to commit ‘extensive abuse of children’


Registered sex offenders in Britain are being allowed to travel abroad to target vulnerable children because of “gaps” in the UK legal system, an inquiry has found.


The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) found that offenders from England and Wales are going overseas to “commit extensive abuse of children,” including in Asia and Africa. It said travel restrictions are too infrequently placed on offenders to restrict them from taking advantage of children in poor and corrupt countries, who may be all the more vulnerable.


Chair of the Inquiry Professor Alexis Jay claims the issue is an “urgent problem” the UK cannot hide from. He explained that there were “gaps in our legal system” that were allowing known offenders to target children in developing countries, which was “simply not acceptable.”


As of March 31, 2018, just 0.2 percent of the 58,637 registered sex offenders in England and Wales had their overseas travel restricted.


The report highlighted high-profile cases, including that of singer Gary Glitter (real name Paul Gadd), who sexually abused children in Asia after being convicted of possessing indecent pictures of kids in the UK.


Another notorious offender to be singled out was Richard Huckle - known as “Britain's worst paedophile.” He was convicted in 2016 of 71 counts of serious sexual assaults against children while employed as a teacher in Malaysia. Huckle was stabbed to death in his prison cell on October 13, 2019.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.7763360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3436 >>3608 >>3778

John Kerry: It Is an ‘Outright Lie’ by Trump That Iran Was Given $150 Billion


On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Last Word,” former Secretary of State John Kerry commented on President Donald Trump’s speech earlier in the day.


Trump said the Obama administration’s “foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013, and they were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash.”


Kerry said, “It is an outright lie, an outright lie by the president of the United States that they were given $150 billion. They were not. And the money that they did receive was their money because they sued the United States of America and won in court and were being paid interest. So American citizens were paying interest every single day that was accruing. More and more billions of dollars that were going to go to Iran. We cut that short. We negotiated a deal that greatly reduced the amount of money they were, in fact, supposed to receive under court order, and they would have received it eventually. And we transferred that to them, most of which they owed to other countries and other people in a massive debt that Iran had accrued. So the fact is that he has lied about that.”


He continued, “We are not safer because this president has been willing to personally invoke his anti-Obamaism to such a degree that he’s run the risk of war. That response by Iran could have been significantly different. and it is not right for the president of the united states to put the united states in a position where we are dependent on a regime that we don’t like to somehow behave in a way that saves this president from himself.”


He added, “I will be amazed if this Iranian regime will negotiate with Donald Trump. They found out he’s not trustworthy. They’ve seen his lies as we have seen his lies, and that is not the basis on which to invite people to a table. Nor is it possible to squeeze and force them to that table. If we learned anything in our negotiation with Iran, it’s they pride themselves in a more than 5,000-year history as a nation-state, as a culture, as a presence. And I think this president just doesn’t stop to understand those kinds of things, let alone an awful lot of other things that are important to the presidency of the United States.”

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.7763380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3451

Megyn Kelly Drops ‘Bombshell’ Interview Preview With Fellow Fox News Sexual Harassment Accusers


Journalist Megyn Kelly aired part of an interview with three other women who made sexual harassment accusations while working at Fox News.

The interview comes on the heels of the movie “Bombshell,” which depicts how former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes left after numerous sexual harassment allegations.

The full interview will air on Kelly’s Instagram TV page at 4 p.m. Thursday.


Journalist Megyn Kelly aired part of a sit-down interview Thursday with three other former Fox employees who previously accused the network’s former CEO Roger Ailes of sexual harassment.


Kelly’s interview, which will premiere in-full at 4 p.m. Thursday on her Instagram TV page, comes in the wake of the movie “Bombshell” being released. “Bombshell” depicts the takedown of Ailes, and features actress Charlize Theron as Kelly.


Talk show host Juliet Huddy, producer Rudi Bakhtiar, producer Julie Zaan, Kelly, and her husband Doug Brunt sat down to watch “Bombshell” and discuss how the movie compared to the sexual misconduct allegations in real life. The four women have previously said they were sexually harassed while working at Fox News under Ailes.


“It’s horrifying to know that you’re just trying to do a job and that’s actually what someone intended for you,” Zaan said tearfully according to the preview.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.7763397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Firefighter Let Out of Jail Despite ‘Serious Sex Offenses’ Arrested for Starting 17 Fires in Australia


From 2013-2017, the number of people imprisoned in Australia for drug crimes increased faster than people imprisoned for any other type of crime. Individuals suspected of selling or using drugs in Australia make up 15% of all prisoners. Like the United States, people of color in Australia are far more likely to be refused bail, instead being detained on remand awaiting trial. If you are a ‘serious sex offender’ and part of the system, however, you’ll be given that bail no problem, and freed to commit more crime. Such is the case with a firefighter arrested this week for allegedly setting at least 17 fires causing massive damage.


Since September of last year, the world has watched as fires blazed across the beautiful Australian landscape, killing dozens, destroying hundreds of homes, and reducing millions of hectares of land to ash. Tragically, it is estimated that at least a billion animals have been killed as well.


“The fires have burned so hot and so fast that there has been significant mortality of animals in the trees, but there is such a big area now that is still on fire and still burning that we will probably never find the bodies,” Nature Conservation Council ecologist Mark Graham told parliament recently.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.7763414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3908 >>3920 >>3957

Atlanta Police Make Monumental Move, Disband Entire Drug Unit to Focus on Actual Crime


Atlanta, GA — In one of the most revolutionary moves we’ve reported on to date, the Atlanta Police Department announced this week that they are disbanding their narcotics unit so they can fight actual violent crime. This move is both revolutionary and heartening and is another nail in the war on drugs’ coffin.


According to a report from WSB-TV Atlanta, the massive change was confirmed on Tuesday. The department confirmed with WSB-TV reporter, Mark Winne, noting that all the officers in the drug unit will be assigned to other areas.


In a statement, the department told Winne (emphasis added):


“We know that the illegal narcotics trade is often at the center of criminal activity fueled by guns and gangs. The Department is de-centralizing its Narcotics Unit in recognition that the violence that surrounds this trade should be the focus of the entire Department, not just one team. We have had tremendous success at targeting the sale of illegal narcotics by tracking violent criminals and getting illegally-possessed guns off the streets.


“Violent crime and gang activity must be the Department’s primary focus and where we will have a greater impact on the crimes affecting those most often victimized in our communities.”


Imagine that! Instead of focusing their efforts on kicking in doors in the middle of the night over people possessing a plant, Atlanta cops will focus on stopping actual violence against the citizens. This is huge.


Naturally, the cops who make a living kicking in doors and confiscating money, drugs and property from drug dealers with all their expensive militarized gear, are not happy.


“Absolutely, it’s a risky move,” a veteran APD narcotics officer told Winne, asking not to be identified. “I’m sure there was a lot of thought put into it. I don’t have all the numbers that the higher-ups in APD have, but I wouldn’t recommend it.


“I hope in the long run that this move is successful. I wish Atlanta the best. I hope it was well calculated,” the officer told Winne.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.7763465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3511

CLASSIFIED: Inside Iran’s Secret & Deadly Terror Committee; Death Squad Headed by Khomeini Decides What Gets Blown Up, Who Gets Murdered Across the Globe


The Deep State dislikes when classified information leaks. Iran’s secret and deadly ‘Committee of Nine’ is no exception.


You have never heard of this death court. Even seasoned folks in the State Dept. & CIA do not know it exists. The FBI? Only the top folks have heard of it in the Bureau.


And they all want to keep its existence under the carpet, away from the public. You are not supposed to know what all the money Iran has grabbed from other countries and has obtained from the U.S — like Obama’s $150 BILLION+ sent to Iran — really funds.


Until now.


I tackle this death squad in my latest podcast available via iTunes here or Google here.

Or via Spotify here.


Remember just days ago Ayatollah Khomeini was crying for the TV cameras about the drone strike that killed his terror boss Gen. Soleimani?


Give me a break.


Khomeini runs this stealth terror court that has killed thousands of people worldwide. I detail the deadly Commitee of Nine in my recent podcast as well as in my book, How We Dismantled the FBI in Our Pajamas which detailed how Obama and Bush sold out to Iran time and time again.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.7763474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moscow court extends US financier Michael Calvey’s house arrest until February 13


By the same ruling house arrest was extended for of the Baring Vostok’s partner Philip Delpal, former director of Vostochny bank Alexei Kordichev and former director for investments of Vostochny bank, Alexander Tsakunov


MOSCOW, January 9. /TASS/. Moscow’s Basmanny Court has prolonged the house arrest of Michael Calvey, the founder of the Baring Vostok private equity firm, who is accused of embezzlement, until February 13, a TASS correspondent reported from the courtroom.


"[The court] hereby extends the preventive measure in the form of house arrest for Calvey until February 13, 2020," Judge Yulia Safina declared, reading out the ruling.


By the same ruling house arrest was extended for of the Baring Vostok’s partner Philip Delpal, former director of Vostochny bank Alexei Kordichev and former director for investments of Vostochny bank, Alexander Tsakunov.


The investigation into the case is completed. All the defendants were charged with embezzlement committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale (part 4, article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Court session


At the court session, the prosecutor asked to extend the house arrest to all the defendants in the case, except Tsakunov.


"In view of the circumstances of the case, I ask you to dismiss [petition] for the extension of Tsakunov’s house arrest as very harsh measure," a representative of the prosecutor’s office said.


At the meeting, Michael Calvey in court declared his innocence and asked for release on bail in the amount of 25 mln rubles ($407,860). Philip Delpal once again declared his innocence and also asked for release on bail in the amount of 25 mln rubles.


"At first I was accused of fraud, now they charge it to embezzlement, but it is even more absurd and has nothing to do with reality. I am ready to prove this in court and ask the court to let me be [released]on bail, which I offer in the amount of 25 million rubles," Delpal said.


The investigator asked to leave the accused under house arrest.


The verdict has not yet entered into force and may be appealed to the Moscow City Court.

Baring Vostok’s case


On February 7, Serzod Yusupov, a minority shareholder in Vostochny Bank filed a complaint with Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). In addition, Artyom Avetisyan, another Vostochny shareholder, along with the deputy chairman of the bank’s board Konstantin Rogov testified against Michael Calvey.


Russia’s Investigative Committee launched a criminal case into the embezzlement of 2.5 bln rubles ($37.5 mln) from the Vostochny Bank on February 13. Michael Calvey is the key defendant in the case. On February 15, law enforcement agencies arrested Calvey and five others: Vagan Abgaryan, partner at Baring Vostok, Philippe Delpale, an investment partner for the financial industry sector at Baring Vostok, Ivan Zyuzin, Investment Director at Baring Vostok and also General Director of the First Collection Bureau Maxim Vladimirov and Advisor to the Management Board of Norvik Bank, Alexey Kordichev. They are all facing charges under part 4 article 159 of Russia’s Criminal Code (fraud committed on a large scale by an organized group).

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:54 a.m. No.7763487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3717 >>3753 >>3880 >>3920 >>3957

Pelosi says she'll send articles of impeachment to Senate 'soon'


Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday said she would likely send articles of impeachment to the Senate soon despite winning no concessions from Republicans on allowing witnesses to testify during a trial on the House's charges against President Trump.


Though she refused to budge on her previous demands, Pelosi signaled that the next phase of impeachment may be imminent.


"I'm not holding them indefinitely," Pelosi said during a press briefing in the Capitol, referring to the two articles passed by the House in December over Trump’s dealings with Ukraine. "I'll send them over when I'm ready, and that will probably be soon."


Pelosi reiterated her position that she wants more details on the parameters of an impeachment trial from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) before sending over the articles.


"We need to see the arena in which we are sending our managers. Is that too much to ask?" Pelosi said.


She later clarified, “It doesn't mean we have to agree to the rules, or we have to like the rules. We just want to know what they are.”


A trial in the Senate cannot begin until Pelosi sends the articles of impeachment — passed by the House on Dec. 18 charging Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — across the Capitol. In a surprise move last month, she declined to name impeachment managers or send the articles to the Senate following House passage.


Earlier Thursday, McConnell said that the Senate would move to other legislative activities next week if Pelosi doesn't send over the articles soon.


"If the Speaker continues to refuse to take her own accusations to trial, the Senate will move forward next week with the business of our people," McConnell said from the Senate floor. "We will operate on the assumption that House Democrats are too embarrassed to ever move forward."


Pelosi dismissed those barbs, and all but asked McConnell to take up separate legislation amid the impasse over impeachment. She singled out a bipartisan trade deal with Canada and Mexico, passed by the House last month, as legislation the Senate could take up in the meantime.


“He said, ‘If you don’t send them over, I’m going to pass the Mexico-U.S.-Canada trade agreement,’” she said. “OK!”


Behind McConnell, Senate Republicans have said they're simply proceeding according to the rules set under the impeachment of President Clinton in the late 1990s.


Pelosi and Democrats have rejected that argument, noting that investigators in Clinton's case had access to all the witnesses they wanted to hear from, three of whom subsequently testified before the Senate. They're also pointing out that, 20 years ago, party leaders in the Senate had united to craft the rules governing the process, which passed 100 to 0 on the floor. The rules surrounding Trump's trial, by contrast, appear destined to pass with no Democratic support.


"It's exactly not like Clinton, in that he won't do a bipartisan agreement on how to proceed," Pelosi said. "That's very important."


Pelosi denied that Democrats don't want to make their case in a Senate trial.


"We are ready. We are proud of our defense of the Constitution of the United States. We are concerned that the senators will not be able to live up to the oath that they must take to have an impartial trial," Pelosi said.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.7763506   🗄️.is 🔗kun

He Helped Torture and Murder a Child, Now PA Dems Want Him Eligible for Parole


Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. could open parole to 1,500+ violent offenders serving life sentences


In August 1996, 13-year-old Richezza Williams was found dead in a Pennsylvania cemetery, her burned and beaten body dumped in a cardboard box after she was tortured with household items, including a heated clothes hanger, cleaning chemicals, and a turkey baster.


Corey Maeweather admitted to authorities that he participated in the brutal crime, appearing "void of emotion" in a video as he described the victim's screams and cries for help. Maeweather said he was not directly involved in the young girl's death, instead confessing to retrieving the torture devices for two co-conspirators. He pleaded guilty to criminal homicide and kidnapping and was sentenced to life without parole.


More than two decades later, top Democrats are seeking to ease the process for criminals like Maeweather to walk free. Lt. Gov. John Fetterman has called to end life sentences for anyone who did not directly take another's life, which could commute the sentences of more than 1,500 inmates convicted of serious crimes, according to records obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.


"If you didn't take a life, the state shouldn't take your life through unending incarceration," Fetterman said in November. The lieutenant governor's office has encouraged criminals sentenced to life in prison to apply for commutation. He is "particularly interested" in "cases in which a person participated in a crime resulting in a homicide but didn't ‘pull the trigger,'" according to a December press release. Fetterman also supports reforming the state's Board of Pardons, which he chairs, to reduce the unanimous vote required to recommend sentence commutations to a 4-1 vote.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11 a.m. No.7763523   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran’s civil aviation chief dismisses reports of Ukrainian plane being hit by missiles


Iran’s civil aviation chief has rejected as “illogical rumors" reports that the Ukrainian plane that crashed south of the capital Tehran was hit by missiles.


Head of Iran Civil Aviation Organization Ali Abedzadeh made the remarks in an exclusive interview with Press TV on Thursday, adding, "From a scientific viewpoint, it is impossible that a missile hit the Ukrainian plane."


“The plane caught fire three minutes into the flight, according to what the witnesses have reported and the data collected from the parts of the airplane,” Abedzadeh told Press TV.


“The pilot tried to return the airplane at the altitude of 8,000 ft., but due to the fire, the airplane crashed and exploded,” he added.


“We can say that the airplane, considering the kind of the crash and the pilot’s efforts to return it to Imam Khomeini airport, didn’t explode in the air. So, the allegation that it was hit by missiles is totally ruled out,” the official noted.


Asked if the cause of the crash was to be determined after a probe, Abedzadeh said, “According to international regulations, it is the responsibility of the country, where the incident happened, to probe into the incident. So Iran Civil Aviation Organization is in charge.”


“But because the airplane was Ukrainian, Ukraine is obliged to cooperate with us, and has started cooperation. Their team of experts has arrived in Tehran, and we have coordinated the issue with them on different aspects. Iranian experts and the Ukrainian ones have had a meeting so that we could determine the cause of the incident in cooperation with the Ukrainian side.”


His remarks came after unnamed American officials claimed that the Ukrainian passenger plane was mostly likely brought down by anti-aircraft missiles.


The unnamed US officials alleged that the Ukrainian airliner, whose crash killed all 176 people aboard, was most likely brought down accidentally by Iranian anti-aircraft missiles.


Earlier on Thursday, Iran’s minister of road and urban development dismissed as "untrue" rumors that suggest the Wednesday crash of the Ukrainian airliner was because of a missile attack.


Mohammad Eslami said the Boeing 737-800 aircraft crashed after encountering a technical malfunction.


Eslami said Iran will not hand over the black boxes recovered from the crash site to Boeing or any other countries.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.7763535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Beijing Bans ‘Foreign Teaching Materials’ From Schools


Beijing has officially banned the use of teaching materials from outside China from the country’s primary and middle schools, a move that critics saw as the regime’s latest attempt to control Chinese nationals’ thoughts and minds.


In a guideline published on Jan. 7, the country’s Ministry of Education said that the schools offering the nine-year compulsory education—consisting of primary and middle schools—are no longer allowed to use “foreign teaching materials” for textbooks.


The same ban also applies to high schools, that is, grades 10 to 12, with the exception of those that have partnerships with foreign institutions or approved exchange programs.


The new rule forms part of the regime’s growing efforts to tighten controls and censorship on education and civil society, including measures aimed at instilling “patriotic education” in its citizens from a young age.


The authorities will standardize textbooks on particular subjects such as ideological and political education, literature, history, and those relating to national sovereignty, ethnicity, and religion. Schools are not allowed to use unapproved versions or make casual alterations to the content, according to the notice.


High schools with exchange programs, vocational colleges, and higher institutions can selectively use foreign content provided that “the domestic teaching materials really cannot satisfy educational needs,” a spokesperson for the National Textbook Committee Office, a department within the Ministry of Education, said in a Tuesday press conference.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.7763546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3753 >>3920 >>3957

Secret Service Responds to George Lopez After He Says He Will Kill Trump for $40 Million


Over the weekend Iran offered a bounty of $80 Million for Donald Trump’s head, literally.


Comedian George Lopez responded, saying that he would do it for $40 Million.


As we and others reported Sunday, the Iranian regime placed a bounty of $80 million to kill President Trump. We wondered, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, whether or not Democrats and their far left allies would accept and try to collect the bounty. On Sunday evening, Breitbart reported, actor George Lopez appeared to do just that.


Except, Lopez said from his official Instagram account, “We’ll do it for half” of the $80 million pledged by Iran, meaning he would murder Trump for $40 million.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.7763558   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What Facebook Is Doing About Political Ads, Rules Change Ahead Of 2020 Election


Facebook has been under pressure to revise its rules on political advertising because of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election

Facebook is declining to follow the lead of Twitter, which banned all political ads, or Google, which tightened rules about microtargeting

Facebook called on governments to come up with "democratically accountable" guidelines for social media to follow


Facebook on Thursday said it won’t prevent politicians from making false claims in paid political ads but will give users more control over what ads they see.


The social networking giant has been under pressure to rethink its approach to political ads amid arguments the company’s policies helped create the toxic political climate that has divided the American electorate.


Debate over false political advertising is the result of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, which included the planting bogus stories that were widely shared on social media and the establishment of fake accounts that promoted specific falsehoods or viewpoints.


Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg, however, has said it’s not Facebook’s place to determine the veracity of what politicians say.


Facebook in October refused to take down a Trump campaign ad that made false accusations against former Vice President Joe Biden, saying such action would violate the company’s “fundamental belief in free expression.”


Sen. Elizabeth Warren tried to provoke the company by running an ad falsely stating Zuckerberg backed President Trump’s reelection, but the company left that ad up, as well.


Instead of banning blatant falsehoods, Facebook said it would give users the choice of seeing fewer ads about candidates and social issues beginning this summer. Users also would be able to block some ads entirely. The new policy was announced in a blog post by Rob Leathern, director of product management.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.7763578   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ann Coulter: It'd Be 'Really Great' If Trump Helped His Voters As Much As He Has Helped Sheldon Adelson


Ann Coulter said Wednesday night on Breitbart Radio that President Trump has given pro-Israel billionaire and GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson "a lot" and "it would be really great if he'd do something for the people who voted for him" by following through on his immigration promises.


"Trump has got to build 400 miles [of wall], we need to start the hashtag #400Miles," Coulter said. "We need something on this. He's given Sheldon Adelson a lot, I think it would be really great if he'd do something for the people who voted for him."


"After 9/11, we went to war with two countries on the other side of the globe, spending trillions of dollars and sacrificing thousands of our greatest Americans because (mostly Saudi) immigrants killed 3,000 Americans. U.S. servicemen and women are still dying to avenge this single mass murder from two decades ago," Coulter said in her latest column. "Mexico kills at least 10 times that many Americans every year."


"Why on Earth are our media – and our president – consumed with 'Whither Iran?' when hundreds of Americans are dying every day at the hands of the country sitting right next door?"

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.7763592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3629

Bill Clinton Seen in Newly Surfaced Photos on Jeffrey Epstein’s Plane With a ‘Sex Slave’


Photos published by The Sun on Wednesday reportedly show former President Bill Clinton on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, the so-called “Lolita Express,” with his arm around Epstein's personal masseuse and sex-slave, Chauntae Davies, and another posing with Ghislaine Maxwell, who's currently under investigation for her ties to Epstein.


Davies has revealed, for the first time, new details about Clinton's long-distance flight to Africa with Maxwell and other celebrities, such as Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker, during a five-day humanitarian trip to Africa in 2002 as part of a Clinton Foundation project to raise awareness about poverty and AIDS in the region.


Nothing revealed by Davies suggests Clinton or the other celebrities did anything wrong during the tour, or that they were aware of Maxwell and Epstein's activities. But, The Sun notes, "it will further raise concerns about how some of the world's most famous and powerful people were drawn into Epstein's circle at a time when he was committing horrific sex crimes."


“It’s clear that Epstein was using this private jet and his wealth to get close to rich and powerful people," Chauntae Davies, now 40, told The Sun. “Looking back at these images now it raises a lot of questions about why Bill Clinton was using the plane and what perhaps Jeffrey may have been trying to accomplish by having him around.”


Epstein's victims have reported that the now-deceased convicted sex-offender planned orgies on board his private jet. But, as of yet, no evidence has been revealed that has proven Bill Clinton or other powerful people, like Britain's Prince Andrew, took part in sexual activity on the Lolita Express.


Davies, who was 22 years old at the time of the 2002 trip, says that Clinton was a "complete gentleman" the entire time. It was one of four trips he took on Epstein's plane over a two-year period. Clinton has denied any knowledge of Epstein's crimes. “President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein plead guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has previously been charged in New York,” a statement on behalf of the former president asserted.


Epstein has been linked to many high-profile men, including A-list celebrities and politicians. He died of an alleged suicide in a New York City jail in August. Many people believe his death was suspicious, as he was left alone for a period of time and no surveillance footage exists. Epstein's brother Mark said in an interview he didn't think his brother would kill himself and that his death was “very suspicious.” He also claimed that his brother “knew a lot of stuff about a lot of people.”

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.7763609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3621 >>3632 >>3656 >>3777

Surveillance Video From Outside of Epstein’s Cell During ‘Suicide Attempt’ Destroyed Due to ‘Record-Keeping Error’: Prosecutors


Last month prosecutors told a judge that the ‘missing‘ surveillance footage outside of Epstein’s prison cell on the night of his suicide attempt in July had been found.


In a letter to a judge, US Attorney Geoffrey Berman said footage from Epstein’s suicide attempt in July has been located and the government is in the process of obtaining a copy.


Now prosecutors are saying the surveillance video has been destroyed due to a “record-keeping error.”


Even worse, the backup system for video surveillance wasn’t working due to ‘technical errors.’


“The requested video no longer exists on the backup system and has not since at least August 2019 as a result of technical errors,” the prosecutors wrote.


To be clear, the surveillance footage addressed by prosecutors pertains to Epstein’s first reported ‘suicide attempt’ in late July, not the night of his death in August.


New York Daily News reported:


Surveillance footage from outside Jeffrey Epstein’s cell during his suicide attempt was destroyed, prosecutors revealed Thursday.


The revelation in a letter filed by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Maurene Comey and Jason Swergold is the latest head-spinning disclosure from the feds about the footage from the Metropolitan Correctional Center on July 22 and 23. Epstein attempted to hang himself that night while sharing a cell with accused quadruple murderer Nick Tartaglione, officials have said.


Swergold initially said last month in White Plains Federal Court that the video had not been preserved. He reversed himself less than 24 hours later, saying it had been archived.


Now, the feds say that due to a record-keeping error, MCC staff preserved footage from outside the wrong cell.


“The footage contained on the preserved video was for the correct date and time, but captured a different tier than the one where Cell-1 was located because the preserved video did not show corrections officers responding to any of the cells seen on the video. After speaking with MCC legal counsel, the Government was informed that the MCC computer system listed a different, incorrect cell for Tartaglione,” prosecutors wrote in a letter filed in Manhattan Federal Court.


Noted pedophile of the rich and powerful Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his prison cell in Manhattan in August one week after he supposedly attempted suicide in July.


The 66-year-old financier and convicted pedophile was found dead in his prison cell in August and the medical examiner ruled his death a suicide by hanging.


Epstein, who was 6 feet tall, reportedly secured the bedsheet on the bunk bed and wrapped the sheet around his neck.


Epstein had a broken hyoid bone in his neck which is consistent with strangulation in homicides, not suicides.


Newly released autopsy photos (screenshot below) sure looks like a wire was used to strangle Epstein.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.7763625   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK Judge Forbids Parents to Protest Outside of Schools Against Sodomy Lessons for Children


Justice Warby stipulated that the restriction "does not amount to unlawful discrimination against the protesters"


Despite Ofsted declaring the lessons to be "age-appropriate", some families have claimed that classes teaching LGBT education to their children are in contradiction to their religious outlook and are not appropriate for students of ages 4 to 11.


A UK judge ruled that protests from parents frustrated that their children are too young to be taught about LGBT politics have been permanently banned outside the school.


High Court judge Mr. Justice Mark Warby granted a request made by Birmingham City Council, who sought a court order to impose restrictions on demonstrations at the school and extend the exclusion zone around Anderton Park which forbids their right to protest.


Following a five-day hearing, Justice Warby stipulated that the restriction "does not amount to unlawful discrimination against the protesters".


Under the 2010 Equalities Act, schools must prevent any unlawful discrimination based on the characteristics of students, including their religious beliefs, and ensure that parents are aware of the content being taught to their children.


He explained that protesters had "misunderstood and misrepresented what is being taught at the school", and that the new lessons were not "promoting homosexuality" nor were they teaching sex education, as was alleged by the opposition.


Those who oppose the introduction of LGBT classes claim that they are against their religious beliefs and that their children are too young to be subject to the "sexualisation" of education.


While the classes were opposed by members of both the Christian and Muslim communities, the majority of the protesters were of the Muslim faith and have been staging regular demonstrations outside the school in recent years outside of Anderton Park Primary School in Birmingham.


Before the ban, the crowds could be seen shouting slogans and insisting that same-sex relationships stand in contradiction to their families' religious beliefs.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.7763643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3652 >>3696

=Ivanka Trump Receives ‘Friend Of Israel Award’


Ivanka Trump, President Donald Trump’s Senior Advisor and daughter, received the Israeli-American Council’s (IAC) “Friend of Israel Award” in Las Vegas Tuesday.


IAC said Ivanka “has shown a strong positive connection to the State of Israel, believes in the importance of the friendship between the US and Israel, and works to strengthen the alliances between the people of the United States and the people of Israel.”


“It’s a tremendous honor to receive the ‘Friend of Israel Award’ by the Israeli-American Council,” Ivanka Trump told The Jerusalem Post.


Ivanka Trump has been a staunch supporter of the Israel and shares strong ties with Jewish State as a Jewish woman, herself.


Last year, during a diplomatic trip to Africa to promote her global women’s empowerment initiative, she told the Associated Press that she’s concerned over a “rise in anti-Semitism” and “less support for Israel than Israel has traditionally experienced.”


“The Israeli-American Council was delighted to honor Ivanka Trump, senior adviser to the president, at our gala in Las Vegas [Tuesday] night,” IAC CEO Shoham Nicolet told The Jerusalem Post. “As a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur, Ivanka has been an inspiration for both women leadership and family values.”


“We thank her for her commitment to strengthening the bond between Israel and the United States, and being a role model for so many over the years,” he said.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.7763675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3722 >>3820

Brazilian Judge Orders Netflix to Take Down Film Depicting Jesus in Gay Relationship


A Brazilian judge on Wednesday ordered Netflix to stop streaming a Brazilian Christmas satire film that premiered on the platform on December 3. The film has drawn widespread backlash in Brazil over its depiction of Jesus in a same-gender relationship.


The film, titled “The First Temptation of Christ,” was brought to Netflix by Brazilian comedy group Porta dos Fundos and has been heavily criticized by conservative Christians in Brazil. Porta dos Fundos’ headquarters in Rio de Janeiro were attacked on Christmas Eve by men in hoods with Molotov cocktails. No one was injured in the attack. A far-right group in Brazil, known as the “Popular Nationalist Insurgency Command of the Large Brazilian Integralist Family” later claimed responsibility for the attack.


“The consequences of the dissemination and exhibition of ‘artistic production’ … are more likely to cause more serious and irreparable damage than its suspension,” said Benedicto Abicair, a judge in Rio de Janeiro state, according to the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo, also noting that removing the film from Netflix is “beneficial not only to the Christian community, but to Brazilian society which is mostly Christian.”


Abicair’s ruling came after a conservative, Catholic organization in Rio filed a legal complaint stating that the film “attacked the protection of religious freedom” by depicting Mary as a cheater, Joseph as an unintelligent individual and Jesus as a “childish homosexual.” The film has also been greatly criticized by Eduardo Bolsonaro, the eldest son of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and a member of Congress, as well as other public figures in the country.


Netflix told the Associated Press that it would not comment on Abicair’s ruling.


More than 2.3 million people have already signed a petition urging for the film to be removed.


Catholicism is the largest religious denomination in Brazil, with around 64.6% of the population - or around 123 million people - being members of the church, AFP reported, citing the country’s 2010 census. In fact, Brazil has the largest Catholic community in the world.


According to a Netflix summary of the movie: “Jesus, who's hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family. A Christmas special so wrong, it must be from comedians Porta dos Fundos.”

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.7763702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3827 >>3920 >>3957

No Sunday truce: Libya’s Haftar rejects Putin-Erdogan ceasefire call


General Khalifa Haftar, leader of the Libyan National Army, has rejected the ceasefire proposed by the Russian and Turkish presidents as a way to de-escalate the hostilities with the government in Tripoli.


Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for a truce in Libya during their meeting on Wednesday in Istanbul, after Turkey sent troops and equipment to Tripoli in support of the internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA).


Haftar’s LNA controls most of Libya, however, and has been advancing on Tripoli in recent days. He rejected the idea of a ceasefire on Thursday, after returning from Rome, where Italy tried without success to mediate a deal between the LNA and GNA head Fayez al-Sarraj.


The general also declared jihad against Turkey last week, after the parliament in Ankara voted to approve the troop deployment.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.7763729   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Japanese companies pull staff out of Iran, ban Middle East travel


Three major Japanese banks have ordered their employees in Iran to leave the country for security reasons, NHK television reported on Thursday.


The order comes amid growing tensions between Washington and Tehran, following the killing of Iran's top general in a US drone strike in Iraq.


According to NHK, the three largest banks in Japan – MUFG Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), and Mizuho Bank – have ordered staff stationed in Tehran, to leave the Islamic Republic by January 9. The banks have also canceled all business trips to Iran.


An SMBC spokesman was quoted by Japan Times saying that the employee relocation was "a temporary measure."


Some other Japanese companies have also issued warnings and orders for their staff. Construction machinery maker Komatsu has prohibited travel to Iran and Iraq for the time being. Hitachi Construction Machinery, which has an office in Dubai, banned employees from traveling to the two countries as a general rule. It also discouraged visits to the rest of the Middle East.


Oil refiner Idemitsu Kosan told employees to refrain from business trips to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel. The company has lifted those countries to the second of its three categories for risky destinations.


Trading houses Mitsui and Mitsubishi told all employees to avoid non-urgent travel to the Middle East. Mitsui also encouraged employees to stay away from US military facilities and embassies in Africa and Asia.


Last Friday, Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani was killed in a US drone attack in Bagdad. In retaliation, Iran launched missiles at two bases housing US troops in Iraq. Tehran defended the strikes as a legitimate act of self-defense. US President Donald Trump said that Washington would respond with more sanctions.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.7763751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q: The Last Trump and the Secret 3rd Temple Agenda and 2020 Election


t’s the most hotly contested place in the world—Mt Zion in Jerusalem. We trace it’s roots all the way back to the days of Abraham and Isaac, when God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son, a foreshadowing of the life of Christ. Scripture tells us that Jerusalem will become a stumbling block to the whole world and we see the battle for control being played out right before our eyes. Who will claim Jerusalem as their own?


The Orthodox Jews who are hot in pursuit of their 3rd Temple? The Vatican and Pope Francis? The Muslims who have set up shop on the Temple Mount? Then there’s Donald Trump, a man many have already identified as the Antichrist!” Where does President Trump fit into this end game?


Is his “deal of the century” really going to happen? Who’s really behind the push for the 3rd Temple? Will the Jewish rabbis be fooled into signing a peace agreement by the Man of Sin? Gary Stearman and Tom Horn explore the strange goings-on in Israel, the role of Trump, and the dark mystical powers operating in the shadows.

Anonymous ID: a3d35b Jan. 9, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.7763773   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We are Under the Control of The Globalists – You and the Globalists are Sadly Mistaken! Live Your Lives Where…


You are only under the control of the people that you submit too.”


The socialists, the Democrats, the Zionists, the Masons, the Illuminati, Council on Foreign Affairs, Skull and Bones, Satanists, The CIA, etc… you name it, the foolish people of today are suggesting or insinuating that these groups of people are somehow in control of the rest of us. These people constantly highlight what it is that these groups, allied with Hell (Isaiah 28:18), are doing to us and what it is that they are going to do to us in the future. For as much as these wicked men and women would love to take credit for having all power over the lives of others, as if to suggest that they are God, I am here to say that they and others that believe these lies are sadly mistaken (Isaiah 14:13), and those only add strength to tyranny by proclaiming it to be so (Proverbs 18:21). And at length, it is paralyzing men by using the fear of man and the fear of consequence, which is diabolical (Proverbs 29:25).


We are to fear God (Proverbs 14:26), not men (Luke 12:4), nor are we to take counsel from our fears.


“For the kingdom is the LORD’S: and he is the governor among the nations.” -Psalm 22:28


If in America today, you cannot see the obvious taking place, which is that judgment is turned backward (Isaiah 59), where men in both the pulpits and in politics, along with their followers, have now magnified the crime in omitting the law (Romans 4:15) instead of magnifying the law against the crime in establishing righteousness (Isaiah 51:4). We have the blind leading the blind directly into the ditch (Luke 6:39).

We are inundated with lies that are magnified over the truth, which is only temporary (Ecclesiastes 12:14) and that the devil is somehow said to be all-powerful and is control over the Most High God and His children. However, I am here to tell you that you are sadly mistaken.

Though we know the mainstream media that covers for these global conspirators (Jeremiah 11:9), they would love for you to believe that they are what they want you to believe that they are, they are not!

One must remember that these are but mere men that will bow their knees (Philippians 2:10) and answer to their Creator for every thought and deed just like the rest of us (Revelation 20:11-15). Their riches will not profit them in the day of wrath (Proverbs 11:4), nor are they able to save their own souls.


“All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul.” -Psalm 22:29


How can one be a Christian and not see the Lord’s willingness to do for us as He did for the likes of Abraham (Genesis 14), Joseph (Genesis 41:37-44), Moses (Exodus 23:20-33), Joshua (Joshua 1:7-9), David (Psalm 18), Gideon (Judges 6), Samson (Judges 15:16) etc? “Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3