Anonymous ID: ea4a6a Jan. 9, 2020, noon No.7764007   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Apropos of nothing, but also horse related (dead, as in the series is over) I'd absolutely never heard the word 'minge' until very recently…


A certain youtuber, DWK, who does "reviews" (makes fun of) MLP videos said he couldn't stop mishearing princess Twilight Sparkle's call for a spellminger hunt (was actually spelvenger; you found a defeated spell and avenged its … no, wait. It was just a scavenger hunt using ponified words. N/M carry-on (or check your bag & my post either way.)


According to one post, the bleeped portion was about the actor who defended Cats had found her calling – licking her own minge.


I'm telling you anons, that's not a word. Not on this coast and I hang out with some dirty minded fools.