Anonymous ID: fb9db7 Jan. 9, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.7763496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3616



sauce here.


shared by other anon.


am i missing something?


that is huge notable.


how did someone know about Q in august of 2017?

Anonymous ID: fb9db7 Jan. 9, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.7763599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3607 >>3682



project thing

is real

that post is from August 2017


it came from whatever that bohemian grove creep ass communication shit is.

looks real to me.


Can I be more CLEAR?

Anonymous ID: fb9db7 Jan. 9, 2020, 11:46 a.m. No.7763904   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Miss Belenoff's office uses the website to distribute announcements to heads of state, military bases, law enforcement, supreme courts and other organizations and power structures answerable to the World Governing Council of Wettin. Some of the messages are cryptic and some are clear instructions. An example of such communications is the message that appeared on January 3rd, 2019, wherein Miss Belenoff instructs Vice Admiral Lisa Franchetti, the commander of the US Sixth Fleet, to send the Destroyer USS Donald Cook to the Black Sea, with instructions to meet up with Turkish naval counterparts and then proceed to the Port of Odessa. In the same post, she instructs the Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet that he is allowed to observe but not to interfere with the US ship. Several weeks later US military new sources announced that the the USS Donald Cook was indeed moving through the Dardanelles Straits en route to the Black sea. For reference, it may be a good idea to go back to the page on Rise to Power to review the House of Wettin organization chart. You'll note the Military and Space Command office is the likely route Miss Belenoff would take in the event she wants to assume control over a part or all of a country's armed forces. On a side note, Vice Admiral Franchetti has at least a passing acquaintance with Miss Belenoff from their frequent encounters at Camp David and also Bohemian Grove.


Some of the messages on the glamiscalling blog site are written by Miss Belenoff herself while others are drafted by her staff on the World Governing Council or the World Security Office. Miss Belenofff's chief of staff, Tiamet Marbani has stated that every message posted on the site must be personally reviewed and approved by Somerset Belenoff.


With an understanding of how Miss Belenoff has organized the World Governing Council, browsing through the announcements on Glamis Calling can give one a creepy feeling.