Anonymous ID: c91c55 Jan. 9, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.7764746   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FYI. For all lightworkers and others drawn to this mass meditation to be held on Jan. 11-12 depending on your time zone.


The Portal: Age of Aquarius Final Update and New Cobra Interview


…If the critical mass is reached, the Light Forces will be able to intervene more directly in the global situation, and a cascade of events will follow that will inevitably lead to the Age of Aquarius…


…The main page with instructions for the activation is here:


…Doing the meditation earlier or later will NOT help us reaching the critical mass, as we are living on a physical plane that is subject to laws of space and time and if we wish to influence the physical plane, we need to do this with laserlike precision, especially timewise and with unified and focused intent.


…A new Cobra interview has been conducted by Sisterhood of the Rose to bring more awareness of our Age of Aquarius activation:


All hands on deck! Victory of the Light!