Anonymous ID: 0220b7 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:24 p.m. No.7765548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5567 >>5574 >>5600 >>5645 >>6094 >>6193

BOMBSHELL: Book to Reveal How Biden Family Siphoned ‘Millions in Taxpayer Cash’—Hunter Biden Just the ‘Tip of the Iceberg’



A forthcoming bombshell book from publishing giant HarperCollins will reveal how five members of Joe Biden’s family—the “Biden Five”—siphoned tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer cash and guaranteed loans. And the recent scandals involving Joe and Hunter Biden, Ukraine, and Burisma are just “the tip of the iceberg,” say sources close to the publisher.


The upcoming book, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, is the latest investigative work from Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President and Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer.


Publisher HarperCollins has the book under a strict embargo until its January 21 release. Sources with knowledge of its contents say the book will “upend official Washington,” similar to the way Schweizer’s past works like Clinton Cash and Secret Empires did when he broke the Uranium One and Biden-Burisma scandals.


Beyond the Biden revelations, Profiles in Corruption also contains chapters with breaking news on top progressive luminaries, including: Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris, Sherrod Brown, Eric Garcetti, and Cory Booker.


In a statement to Axios’s Mike Allen, the author described the book as “a sweeping, detailed look at how the leading figures of progressivism have leveraged the power of their positions.” The book reportedly took a year and a half to research.


Amazon’s pre-sale book description of Profiles in Corruption states: “Washington insiders operate by a proven credo: when a Peter Schweizer book drops, duck and brace for impact.”

Anonymous ID: 0220b7 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:25 p.m. No.7765557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5605

McConnell Signs Hawley Resolution – Senate Impeachment Trial to Begin Next Week


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told senators during a closed-door caucus lunch on Thursday to expect the impeachment trial to begin next week.


The Hill reported:


Three GOP senators said the Republican leader warned lawmakers during the caucus meeting that they should not expect to be able to go home next weekend, indicating that the long-delayed trial will be underway.


Proceedings have been held up while Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has refused to send over the House-passed articles of impeachment, but she told reporters earlier Thursday that she would “soon” do so.


“We thought, we as the body, that the Speaker will … shortly send that over, so [he] said next weekend don’t go anywhere,” said Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), characterizing McConnell’s message as a heads up that the Senate would be in session.


Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) added that McConnell told senators that the two articles would be sent over “soon,” expecting them in the “next day or two.”


Power-hungry Pelosi is still refusing to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate unless they bow to her demands.


McConnell made it clear this week that he will not cede his authority to the House Democrats.


“There will be no haggling with the House over Senate procedure. We will not cede our authority to try this impeachment. The House Democrats’ turn is over. The Senate has made its decision. This is for the Senate, and the Senate only, to decide,” McConnell said in a tweet.


Speaker Pelosi has zero authority over how the Senate chooses to conduct the impeachment trial.


The Constitution is absolutely clear about the Senate’s authority. Article I, Section 3 says: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments,” wrote Breitbart’s Joel Pollak.


McConnell signed Senator Hawley’s resolution that gave Speaker Pelosi 25 days to turn over the Articles of Impeachment or face dismissal of the charges.


On Monday Senator Hawley came through on his promise and introduced the resolution to allow dismissal of the “bogus impeachment” against President Trump.

Anonymous ID: 0220b7 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.7765590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6069 >>6131

Nancy Pelosi Likens Eliminating Soleimani to Assassinating the U.S. Vice President


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Thursday defended her opposition to the elimination of Iran’s top general and terrorist mastermind Qasem Soleimani by likening the action to a hypothetical assassination of the vice president of the United States.


The speaker expressed outrage upon the death of Soleimani, describing the Trump administration’s actions as “provocative and disproportionate.”


“This action endangered our service members, diplomats and others by risking a serious escalation of tensions with Iran,” she asserted.


She doubled down on those sentiments during a press conference on Thursday, likening the elimination of the terrorist, who was responsible for the death of hundreds of Americans and injuries of thousands more, to an assassination of the vice president of the United States.


“The argument would be made that, putting the shoe on the other foot, if the United States had a high level — maybe the second most important person in the country — assassinated wherever, the United States might consider that an assault on our country,” she stated.


The comparison fell flat with many on social media, prompting some to remind the speaker of Soleimani’s role as a director of terrorist proxies abroad.


“General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region,” the Pentagon said in a statement confirming his death. The Pentagon also noted the commander’s role in orchestrating attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq, as well as his approval of last month’s attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq.


“This strike was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” the Pentagon continued. “The United States will continue to take all necessary action to protect our people and our interests wherever they are around the world.”


Pelosi is not the only Democrat who has referred to Soleimani’s elimination as an assassination. Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) on Wednesday accused Trump of “recklessly” assassinating Soleimani and argued that there was no evidence of an “imminent threat” to justify the administration’s actions.


“President Trump recklessly assassinated Qasem Soleimani,” she stated.


“He had no evidence of an imminent threat or attack, and we say that coming from a classified briefing where again, there was no raw evidence presented that there was an imminent threat,” she added:

Anonymous ID: 0220b7 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:30 p.m. No.7765603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House Votes To Restrain Trump's Power To Order Strikes Against Iran


After being repeatedly ignored by presidents dating back to Ronald Reagan when it comes to the US's ever-expanding military commitments around the globe, Congress finally decided to try and take some of that discretionary power back.


Using President Trump's latest attack on Iranian interests as justification, Democratic leader and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi successfully passed a resolution that would force Trump to go to Congress for authorization before taking any further actions against Iran.


The vote in the Dem-controlled House was 224 to 194 in an almost entirely party-line vote. The vote has long been expected, and although a few Republican senators have decided to join Democrats in supporting the measure in the Senate, it's still a few votes shy of passing, according to the latest vote totals circulating in the press.


By pressing ahead with her War Powers Resolution, Pelosi ignited a debate that many thought had been settled: For years, presidents have had authority to unilaterally authorize military action. Remember that time Barack Obama ordered the killing of Osama bin Laden? He didn't need to go to Congress for that.


But by capitalizing on all the unfounded speculation about Trump starting WWIII, Pelosi sought to raise the issue, in an attempt to win a few Republican votes. Unfortunately for her, Republicans remained united in support of the president by equating support for Pelosi's resolution with support for America's enemies, according to the New York Times.


According to CNN, the resolution states that "when the United States military force, the American people and members of the United States Armed Forces deserve a credible explanation regarding such use of military force," and also that "Congress has not authorized the President to use military force against Iran"


Of course, without Republican support in the Senate, the resolution is "largely symbolic" - just another Democratic attempt to poison public opinion against the president before election day.


Unfortunately for them, polls suggest that so far, this approach isn't working.

Anonymous ID: 0220b7 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:31 p.m. No.7765615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5659 >>5938 >>6207

THIS IS WEIRD? Democrat Rep. Elissa Slotkin REFUSES to Answer Town Hall Question about her Role in Obama’s Billion Dollar Payoffs to Iran (VIDEO)


Rep. Elissa Slotkin: Who is she REALLY representing in Congress?


Elissa Slotkin is a far left Democrat who ran for Congress in Michigan even though she never voted there and does not own any property there.

Slotkin’s home is in the Washington DC area.


Elissa Slotkin is a former CIA analyst.


This week Slotkin introduced the War Powers legislation to limit President Trump’s powers on confronting Iran.


Elissa Slotkin was a top CIA analyst behind the Obama Iranian deal.

Many suspect her role in the billions in bribes and pallets of cash that were hand delivered to the Iranian regime.


Rep. Slotkin refuses to discuss her role in Obama’s multi-billion dollar payoffs to the Iranian mullahs.


In November when facing constituents Slotkin refused to answer questions about her involement in Obama’s secret payments to Iran.


Why is that?


And why is Slotkin leading the charge against President Trump in favor of the Iranian regime?

Whose side is she on anyway?

Anonymous ID: 0220b7 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:35 p.m. No.7765656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6267

Central Banks Continue "Remarkable" Gold-Buying Spree


Central banks continued their remarkable gold-buying spree in November and remain on pace to eclipse 2018’s near-record purchases.


According to the latest numbers from the World Gold Council, central banks added 27.9 tons on a net-basis to official gold reserves in November. That brings the yearly total for 2018 with one month left to calculate to 570.2 tons, 11% higher than the same period in the previous year.


Cabal bankers buying gold with money they print out of fresh air, WTF Q????

Anonymous ID: 0220b7 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:38 p.m. No.7765680   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IRS Audits Plummet To Lowest Level In Four Decades


Individual US taxpayers are half as likely to get audited than they were in 2010, according to the Wall Street Journal, which notes that IRS tax enforcement has fallen to the lowest level in at least four decades.


In FY 2019, the agency audited just 0.45% of all personal income-tax returns, down from 0.59% in 2018 - marking eight straight years of declining reviews. In a Monday report, the IRS said that in 2010, 1.1% of tax returns were audited. The report did not provide details on audits by income category, or how much revenue has been recovered from the enforcement (or lack thereof).


According to the Journal, years of budget cuts and a heavier workload are to blame for the steady erosion of audit - which, experts say, is depriving the Treasury of billions of dollars while budget deficits rise.


The IRS budget is about 20% below the 2010 peak in inflation-adjusted dollars, according to the Congressional Budget Office. During that time, Congress has given the agency more responsibility, including the implementation of the 2010 health care law and the 2017 tax law.


In Monday’s report, the IRS said the agency had lost almost 30,000 full-time positions since fiscal 2010, in areas including enforcement and criminal investigation. It now has about 78,000 workers and has been hiring over the past year. But the agency also projects that up to 31% of remaining workers will retire within the next five years. -Wall Street Journal


"The audit rate reported for 2019 was less than half of what it was in 2010, underscoring the depleted state of the IRS enforcement function, which urgently needs to be rebuilt," said Chuck Marr, director of federal tax policy at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a progressive group in Washington.


Investing in enforcement and tightening rules could generate about $1 trillion over a decade, according to Harvard University economist Lawrence Summers, who served as Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, and University of Pennsylvania professor Natasha Sarin. The government estimates that each additional dollar spent on tax enforcement could yield more than $4 in revenue, and Democratic presidential candidates have made increasing IRS funding part of their agenda. -Wall Street Journal

Anonymous ID: 0220b7 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:42 p.m. No.7765717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6194

Major Vulnerabilities in TikTok Could Have Let Hackers Control User Accounts: Report


Multiple security vulnerabilities in viral Chinese mobile app TikTok could have allowed hackers to take over user accounts and exploit personal data, according to a new cybersecurity report.


The Jan. 8 report by Israel cybersecurity firm Checkpoint found a series of flaws that could enable attackers to manipulate user content, upload and delete videos, and reveal sensitive data such as birthdates, payment information, and email addresses.


The Chinese-owned short-video sharing platform—currently under heightened scrutiny over its potential national security risks—exploded in popularity in 2019 and was one of the world’s most downloaded apps as of October. It has 26.5 million monthly active users in the United States, according to the company.


The researchers said the security issues had existed for the majority of 2019, raising “serious questions” as to whether anyone has fallen victim, according to the BBC.


Following the report’s release, Luke Deshotels, a TikTok spokesperson, said in a statement that all reported security issues identified by the firm have been fixed in the latest version of the app.


One of the loopholes, dubbed SMS link spoofing, makes it possible for attackers to send fake messages to any phone number posing as TikTok.


The texting function on the app’s homepage allows users to send themselves a text to download the app. Taking advantage of the function, hackers could send messages containing a malicious link, which would give away user access once one clicks on it, the report said.


Researchers also found a weakness in TikTok’s infrastructure that would allow attackers to reroute users to malicious sites that appear legitimate.


Through a loophole in TikTok’s ad subdomain, the researchers were able to retrieve personal information from user accounts, including date of birth.


Researchers were also able to hijack the app by injecting malicious code, allowing them to perform other functions on the victim’s behalf, including creating videos, making a private video public, and approving followers’ requests.


Oded Vanunu, the head of Checkpoint’s product vulnerability research team, told The New York Times that the vulnerabilities they identified were all “all core to TikTok’s systems.”


“Malicious actors are spending large amounts of money and putting in great effort to penetrate into such huge applications. Yet most users are under the assumption that they are protected by the app they are using,” Vanunu said in a Jan. 8 statement.

Anonymous ID: 0220b7 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:44 p.m. No.7765733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5743 >>5849 >>5864 >>5871



Januhairy’ Encourages Women to Grow Their Body Hair for a Month


How exciting, this is an example of equality really gone wrong.


Women have been complaining about “No Shave November” an event where men grow beards and challenge each other to not shave. Now they can do the same thing with their Hoo-Has and other body parts.


Men have “Movember,” where they grow out their facial hair to raise money and awareness for men’s health issues, and now ladies have “Januhairy,” a reason to skip shaving and grow their body hair with pride, according to


Laura Jackson, a 22-year-old drama student at the University of Exeter in the U.K., started the movement after growing her own body hair for a performance and noticing her own reaction to it. “After a few weeks of getting used to it, I started to like my natural hair,” she posted to an Instagram account created for the campaign. “Though I felt liberated and more confident in myself, some people around me didn’t understand why I didn’t shave/didn’t agree with it.”


Januhairy encourages women to let the hair on their bodies grow in support of a charity, Body Gossip, which empowers people to be the best version of themselves through arts and education. On her crowdfunding site in 2019, Jackson raised £1,534 (or more than $2,000) through sponsorships supporting women who grow their body hair.


“Society seems to be behaving as if the natural hair we grow on our bodies is unattractive and distasteful. We are so used to removing our body hair that we are becoming unfamiliar with our authentic selves,” she wrote.


“Media and films have an influence on young women and how they feel they should be,” Jackson told TODAY Style by email, explaining that Disney princesses and other portrayals of women had an effect on her self-esteem growing up.


I’m sure men around the world are totally excited about this new liberal movement. Said no man ever.

Anonymous ID: 0220b7 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:49 p.m. No.7765768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5950

'Psychological warfare’: Iran dares Canada & others to show ‘intelligence’ they used to accuse Tehran of downing Ukrainian jet


Iran has dismissed claims that the Ukrainian Boeing 737 that crashed near Tehran was hit by a missile as “psychological warfare,” calling on countries that lost citizens in the crash to send representatives to join its probe.


"All these reports are a psychological warfare against Iran,” government spokesman Ali Rabiei said on Thursday. “All those countries whose citizens were aboard the plane can send representatives and we urge Boeing to send its representative to join the process of investigating the black box.”


Meanwhile, foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi has called on Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to share the intelligence he has claimed to have from “multiple sources” that the plane was shot down by a surface-to-air missile, state media report.


We are calling on the Canadian Prime Minister and any other government that has information about the crash to hand it over to the investigation committee in Iran.


Trudeau’s claim follows statements from UK PM Boris Johnson that his government is “urgently looking into” reports that the plane was shot down by a missile and speculation from US President Donald Trump that he had “suspicions” that “somebody could have made a mistake.”


While Trump did not explicitly accuse Tehran of shooting down the plane, anonymous US officials have told media that it was “highly likely” Iranian air defenses brought it down. The Pentagon has not commented in an official capacity.