Anonymous ID: 17ec7b Jan. 9, 2020, 3:37 p.m. No.7765669   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Carney / BoE, fossil fuels, pension funds, and fusion


Alternative researcher / prolific author Dr. Farrell today discussed Bank of England head Mark Carney’s warning that pension funds could be hit by worthless fossil fuel stock holdings. While this could be scare tactics to drive down share prices for elites to snap up at a discount, Farrell suspects that Carney is warning the elites that serious alternative energy (not the green solar / wind crap) is coming out of the black world, so dump your oil / gas / coal stocks.




For 60,000 ft view, #1 article has a great synopsis history of big oil. Main points are:


-Tightly controlled, original “seven sisters” became the “four horsemen” of oil (& oil wars).

-Since 1928, the Achnacarry Agreement (aka “As Is” Agreement) maintains status quo for elite control of all oil, fields, refineries, quotas, pipelines, tankers, etc. among elites and forced upon minor players. (explains pipeline politics)

-Deregulation makes ownership tracing tough, but as of 1993 the Rothschild, Rockefeller and Warburg banking combines still controlled Big Oil via MAJOR banks and trusts.

-Familiar family names includes Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Nobel, Samuel families along with the British House of Windsor (Queen Elizabeth) and the Dutch House of Orange (Queen Beatrix). Of course Rockefeller, too.


#2 US Tech genius Philo Farnsworth creates working, controllable HOT FUSION in the 1960’s via his FUSOR device. (Fusor (patent 3,386,883)) Suppressed by ITT, probably due to DS/elite influence and protecting oil/energy control. Probably exists in black world / DUMBs, etc.


#3 Lockheed Skunk Works announces around 2014 that they will have truck-sized hot fusion reactor tech w/ ETA ~2020. (Farrell suspects this tech is based on suppressed / stolen Philo Farnsworth FUSOR tech.)


#4 Relatively shortly thereafter, Rockefeller Funds announce they will divest of oil holdings “for ethical reasons.” (THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES.) IMO, writing on the wall.


#5 Now Carney / BoE warning re: fossil fuel stocks. I will one-up Dr. Farrell and suggest that Carney is giving instructions to the finance minions running pensions around the world that they are to buy fossil fuel stocks and leave pensioners holding the bag when that market segment collapses. Basically steal from the pensioners to give to the elites as they pull money out of fossil fuels. Alternatively, maybe bankster elites have lost control of energy with 2016 election and this is Carney's warning to bail out while there's still time.


DS-control of LM hot fusion FUSOR tech (and hence energy/power generation) could still be maintained by DS elites (via leasing to public / private utilities, patents, etc.). Not sure how cold fusion (aka LANR or LENR) and Tesla energy generation affect things, but they must be factors / part of THE PLAN.