Anonymous ID: 236e66 Jan. 9, 2020, 3:33 p.m. No.7765643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5793

‘Deeply troubling’: Jail video of Jeffrey Epstein’s first suicide attempt was deleted, prosecutors reveal


Surveillance video footage from outside the jail cell of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein during his first reported suicide attempt in July has been inadvertently deleted, federal prosecutors revealed Thursday.


Prosecutors, in a filing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, said the video was deleted as the result of a jailhouse computer error about the location of Epstein’s cellmate at the time Epstein tried to kill himself.


A lawyer for Epstein’s former cellmate said that it was “deeply troubling” to learn that the footage no longer exists. That lawyer, Bruce Barket, has been trying since July to obtain the video.


Surveillance video footage from outside the jail cell of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein during his first reported suicide attempt in July has been inadvertently deleted, federal prosecutors revealed Thursday.


Prosecutors, in a filing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, said the video was deleted as the result of a jailhouse computer error about the location of Epstein’s cellmate at the time Epstein tried to kill himself.


A lawyer for Epstein’s former cellmate said that it was “deeply troubling” to learn that the footage no longer exists. That lawyer, Bruce Barket, has been trying since July to obtain the video.


Surveillance video footage from outside the jail cell of accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein during his first reported suicide attempt in July has been inadvertently deleted, federal prosecutors revealed Thursday.


Prosecutors, in a filing in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, said the video was deleted as the result of a jailhouse computer error about the location of Epstein’s cellmate at the time Epstein tried to kill himself.


A lawyer for Epstein’s former cellmate said that it was “deeply troubling” to learn that the footage no longer exists. That lawyer, Bruce Barket, has been trying since July to obtain the video.


The New York City Medical Examiner ruled his death a suicide by hanging.


But that finding has been questioned by Epstein’s lawyers and by others who believe he may have fallen victim to foul play.


Epstein’s death remains under investigation by several federal agencies, including by the Bureau of Prisons, which operates the MCC.


Two days after his initial suicide bid, a lawyer for Epstein’s then-cellmate, Nicholas Tartaglione, requested footage of surveillance video from around their cell.


Tartaglione, a former police officer from Westchester County, New York, who is accused of several drug-related murders, has said he saved Epstein’s life during the first reported suicide attempt.


Barket, complained in December that he had been told the video was missing. Barket wanted the video as possible evidence in the event that Tartaglione is convicted and faces a possible death sentence. Video of him saving Epstein could help an argument that he should be spared execution.


A day after Barket complained about the missing video, prosecutors from the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York said that the footage had been found by MCC staff.


But in their court filing Thursday, prosecutors said that in reviewing the video last week, they realized that the footage, while being from the correct date and time period, “captured a different tier than the one where” Epstein and Tartaglione’s cell was located.


The video that was preserved showed “a different, incorrect cell for Tartaglione” — which the MCC computer system had mistakenly listed as being occupied by Tartaglione, prosecutors wrote.


The filing says that when Barket first request the video in July, a lawyer for MCC “looked up [Tartaglione’s] cell number in the MCC computer system and thereafter requested that MCC staff preserve video from outside of that cell for the requested time period.”


“Therefore, when MCC legal counsel asked that the video outside of [Esptein’s cell] be preserved, the MCC preserved video outside” the other cell, not the one containing Epstein and Tartaglione, the filing said.


“As a result, video from outside [Tartaglione’s] cell on July 22-23, 2019 (i.e. the requested video) no longer exists,” prosecutors wrote.


Prosecutors also said that although there was a “backup system in place that housed all video for the Special Housing Unit” where Epstein was being held, “including the video requested by” Barket, the FBI has found that the “requested video no longer exists on the backup system and has not since at least August 2019 as a result of technical errors.”


In a statement to CNBC on Thursday, Barket said, “The various and inconsistent accounts of what happened to that video are deeply troubling,” Barket said.



Anonymous ID: 236e66 Jan. 9, 2020, 4:22 p.m. No.7766096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6193

inb4 this is shilled:

>A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything.

>effectively ended

Legitimately no sauce saying it has ended in the entire story, nothing but "current and former officials" saying what they think. Just more cope from WaPo.


>In a March 29 letter to Republican committee chairmen, Mr. Sessions said that Mr. Huber, the U. S. Attorney for Utah, had been appointed to “evaluate certain issues” raised by the GOP. He did not say which issues, but there are plenty.

>These included actions by Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch and others, email controversies, mishandling of classified information, Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier, FISA warrants, wire taps, leaks, grand juries, the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One deal.

>Barr said Durham would now be taking over Huber’s role in handling any criminal referrals from Horowitz and Huber’s involvement with Trump-Russia matters was done.

>"The other issues [Huber has] been working on relate to Hillary Clinton” are "winding down and hopefully we'll be in a position to bring those to fruition," Barr said.

>Utah Prosecutor Close to Completing Investigation of Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Says