Anonymous ID: 83819b Jan. 9, 2020, 3:36 p.m. No.7765663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5691


The process is, you act like a traitor, f with kids, bash our President etc. opens the doors for us to research and dig up all your dirty secrets and connections. Then some of us show the World the truth on all social media and people we know face to face to let everyone know the bad things they've been up to so we can wake up as many humans as possible and get everything out in the open(it's fun to watch (((them))) squirm : ) ). True anons don't attack, fight, murder,steal or rape anyone ever and we believe in the Constitution, free speech and loving and respecting our President for what he's doing for the World. We get attacked daily and the bad people put their minions in here to distract, misinform and fight with us, they also try to stage bad things happening around the world and pin it on this site and the good anons visiting and researching in it.

We will not however take anybody's shit, outside in the real world we'd kick all the baddies asses, which is why I love this place, kek good luck newbie and remember, lurk moar, dig dig dig, pray pray pray, fight fight fight and you'll have an interdasting time!