Anonymous ID: a212bd Jan. 9, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.7765976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6002 >>6094 >>6193

Do you ask yourself, "Why does the Deep State/Cabal use RED shoes, RED nooses, RED rings?"


First things first. Simplify and compress what you do know. It's not very secret. These evil scumbags RULE you. They believe themselves to be elites, aristocrats, gods, & aliens. Ultimate POWER & $$$$$$$$$

You are nothing but human parasites meant to be used, abused, bought, sold, & corrupted. Got it? Good.


RED is the color of kings, rulers, self ordained gods, and signifies the TOP of the pyramid. The capstone elites who control everything. It's their world & if you are a part of their "special" club, you may adorn yourself with some red trinkets. Red symbolizing Lucifer, Molech, pedophilia, or whatever else is not essential but it is ceremonial and exists.


Let's start with the obvious. The Rothschild's (Red Shield anyone??). No more explanation needed. The top dogs besides the Rockefeller's


Next, the big red rings of Podesta, Solemani, Clinton. They belong to the club and are high level members


How about those fancy red POPE slippers. A custom adopted from Roman Emperors, "they became a standard high-fashion accessory for aristocrats. If your shoes were red, you were a somebody"

Now you're thinking, "Hey, alot of A++ List actors, musicians, directors, producers, CEO's, politicians wear red shoes!".Starting to get it now, you peasant? They're somebody and you're nobody.

It's not as metaphysical or secretive as you think or they make it to be. It's actually very blatant and boorish. Bunch of delusional narcissistic psychopath faggots.



The red shoe also symbolized BLOODY MARTYRDOM in the Byzantine Empire. Are the wheels spinning? If RED also symbolizes martyrdom, think Anthony Bourdain's RED neck tie noose. Kate Spade's RED scarf noose, Chris Cornell's RED exercise band noose.

Martyrdom, murder, & suicide all leads to the GloboPedo Crime Syndicate. (lose the gay Satanism, Egyptian symbols, etc, and they are just a gang of criminals)

Whoever tried to expose them got murdered using RED, to send the message to everyone else involved in the gang.

Whoever wants to move UP in the ranks has to kill someone. You have to show you're ruthless. The closer the person is to you, the better. The richer, the better. Get it?

Chris Cornell's wife moved on pretty quick huh? Grieving widow my ass. People who are going to talk get whacked. Set up by their brother, mother, father, wife. Typical MOB shit.

Q drops on "Suicide Weekend" has meaning. Brainwashed members will kill themselves for the gang if the walls are closing in or they had enough and stupidly believe all the supernatural bullshit. Think of Gloria Vanderbilt. It was her time to go. She coincidentally died on the full moon before the Summer Solstice. For one of the "13 Dark Mothers", that's very important. She was a complete fkn idiot.


Now the flip side of the symbolic RED SHOE OF BLOODY MARTYRDOM

Anons were freaking out about the little girls red shoe in a twitter post from the downed Ukrainian plane in Iran. "OMG pedos" Eh…maybe. That plane was filled with Deep State sleeper agents who were highly educated. Individually, each person had the capability to carry out a clandestine attack with bio, nuclear,explosive,and cyber weapons.

The ISNA photo may very well have been a staged symbolic message of BLOODY MARTYRDOM. Wiping out the sleeper cells, bloodlines, child sex rat lines?

BUT, the question is, did IRAN stage that photo, the Deep State coven, or POTUS and the patriots?

My guess is that POTUS and the patriots did it to send a message to THEM. (Think mirror)

We're in a "Silent War". Q is NOT joking around. Ratlines and bloodlines must be eliminated. That's just the way it has to be for the world to have a peaceful future. Especially if trafficked kids are being created, tortured, and programmed to become the psychotic rulers of tomorrow. Think "super soldiers" who never break from their objective of spreading evil and tyranny by gaining positions of high power across every known job/industry/political seat.


Thanks for your time, anons. God is amazing. God gives us the truth if we want it. So be strong. Open your eyes. Don't despair. Have faith in the good will of mankind. Love each other, especially your family.