Anonymous ID: 27470d Jan. 9, 2020, 4:40 p.m. No.7766322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What does empowerment really mean?


Can you be empowered by adapting to whatever group think is offered by the mass media?

Can you be empowered by conforming to the will of another, involuntarily?

Can you be empowered by conforming to the will of another, voluntarily?


Who is responsible for the exercise of your power?


Power==responsibility (for everyone OTHER than psychopathic parasites without a connection to their heart/soul)


Explains why people run away from their own power, because at some level, they know that with it comes personal responsibility.


After a lifetime of dependency, financial, psychological and emotional, and being well trained in Victimology by the state indoctrination centers in collusion with the corporate media, instinctively they know that stepping out of their victim mindset requires courage, commitment and some vision.


The default choice?


To double-down on being a suggestible conforming victim, now serving in the chorus of useful idiots demonizing anyone with their soul intact!


Human beings (non-psychopathic) are social, and have suggestible minds.


Humans self-control their behavior based upon the STORY THEY TELL THEMSELVES, the one they wrote for themselves from ideas typically provided by parental influence, peer pressure and the media Matrix.


Unless the automatic intellect is forced by awareness or willful conscious focus to CREATE ITS OWN STORY, the default is just a statistical distribution of minds confined within the acceptable slave narrative.


To control humans for profit and pleasure, you simply have to be the prime story teller.


In a culture totally mediated by corporate narrations, becoming the primary story teller is easier than ever, once you control the corporations entrusted with this unprecedented power over the mass mind through the technology of deception.


If any group has control over the corporate media narrative, that is sufficient to control human behavior most of the time.


Back it with modern mind control, implanted controlling concepts based upon fear, ensuring that people stay well within their safe mental spaces at all times.


Until conditions become too harsh to ignore in their safe spaces, you effectively control the masses with only the threat of totalitarian coercion needed, like showing the whip to a trained horse.


Defining a conceptual spectrum which may be useful in organizing political ideologies, we have:


Collectivism versus Voluntary cooperation


Group think versus the sovereignty of individuals


Massive mindless bureaucracy running everything from the top down versus organic, grass roots, cooperative organizations creating practical solutions


What has inoculated people’s passive minds with the unquestioning devotion to the bureaucratic gang mentality fully displayed in all historical communist/socialist/collectivist cultures?


Do we not all have personal experience with the intrinsic inefficiency and outright corruption of the intent of the supposed mission of the bureaucracy, with every bureaucracy we encounter in life in the current united states culture?


If we have done enough reading out of the modern dumbed-down zone, we see this pattern clearly throughout history, as these behavior patterns are consequences of basic human nature.


Human nature has been studied for millennia by those with plenty of leisure time stolen from others and highly motivated to continue to exploit, deceive and consume other people’s life force.


To easily identify those who benefit from human ignorance, simply note the consequences of following their lead:

More government control, less individual freedom, more indoctrination into and ungrounded fictional world story, less respect for the sovereign rights of human beings.


“By their fruits you will know them”


The fruit of endarkened minds aiming to please the black hole holding their souls hostage, is more power to coerce for the in-group tribe and less degrees of freedom for everyone else!


We are all MOST FORTUNATE to be here now, at the intersection of the climax of ancient totalitarian agendas and the end of the childhood of ignorance and the beginning of the human being with limits removed.