Anonymous ID: 1e078d Jan. 9, 2020, 6:43 p.m. No.7768096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8138 >>8169 >>8260 >>8305


actual real people who do real actual things.


The Rothschilds are Jews.


If you want to, you can assume that there are imaginary/unfamous people in charge.


There just isn't much evidence of that.


You just don't find much agreement across the conspiracy theories, except Rothschild.


Early - no Central Banks. Then - Central Banks - owned by Rothschild. Big win for Rothschild. Early - no Israel. Then - Britain gives Palestine to Rothschild. Big win for Rothschild and Jews.


Central Banks and Jews are huge players in our story.


You can't find anybody else who plays key roles the way the Rothschilds do.


The arguments all seem to read like they're made up by Rothschilds to distract attention from themselves.


Oh, you think it's shape shifting reptilians, huh? (not saying you are)