Anonymous ID: 25fa2e Jan. 9, 2020, 8:06 p.m. No.7768996   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9307



  1. Are there any discrepancies between what he said was Luke 11 2-12 and what's written?

If different how? Added, deleted?

  1. how many times did he rotate his camera? Which directions? How many times?

<right side up or upside down?


  1. The deplatforming

  2. one of the largest companies in the US, if not the world

-it's not the people that y'all think it is

(those are pipsqueaks) compared to who it really is

4 Support POTUS & Senate, let congress know they're out of line


Other things-





Climbing Jacobs ladder (I have no reference if that's someone's nickname)

Anonymous ID: 25fa2e Jan. 9, 2020, 8:29 p.m. No.7769172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9222


There is no program to eliminate Orientals or Africans to breed themselves out of existence, demean their history and culture and teach them to hate themselves, their history, their ancestors and themselves. Totally separate from religion. There is in fact a program to rid the world of one group.


It is possible to acknowledge this absolute fact while also acknowledging that there are people who don't like Christianity. Note there is not program such as above against Christians in Africa.


Acknowledging both of these things does not make a person a Satanist or mean that they think they are a god.


Perspective is a good thing to have.