Anonymous ID: 54120e Jan. 9, 2020, 8:01 p.m. No.7768939   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7767596 pb

So they claim. Just as Comey did

"No prosecutor would bring charges"



Moar Propaganda. They are so desperate to hurt Q team. Pretty much a dead giveaway.

Didn't the "justice Dept. " lie about the 17 agency who claimed they knew for sure Trump - Russia?

How could believe these sources after all that?

PlUS.. Remember the accountants in front of Congress about the "Clinton Foundation" ?

It's like living in German at the end of WW2 with all the Propaganda blaring at you "We're Winning. We're Winning" meanwhile the allies are closing in.

When they finally lost, those trapped inside the Propaganda bubble must've recovered from their mental illness fast?