Anonymous ID: 718e21 Jan. 9, 2020, 8:18 p.m. No.7769074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9085 >>9252

Exclusive: Border Patrol Circulates Intel Alert Titled ‘Suspected Suicide Bomber en Route to the U.S.’


US in deal with Mexico over asylum seekers: report


Authorities along the U.S. border are on alert after receiving a law enforcement intelligence warning about a possible suicide bomber heading north toward the U.S.-Mexico Border. Breitbart obtained an exclusive copy of the leaked official document from a source operating under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The official report was circulated to law enforcement partners along the U.S. border, the intelligence originated from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), and the report was circulated by Border Patrol Intelligence. Breitbart confirmed the authenticity of the document with multiple law enforcement sources; however, the details contained within the report have not been verified by Breitbart and the purpose of officials circulating the warning is to alert other authorities and to seek help in verifying the accuracy of the information.

Anonymous ID: 718e21 Jan. 9, 2020, 8:24 p.m. No.7769124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9179 >>9253

Front Hole’? Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s ‘Safer Sex for Trans Bodies’ Renames Body Parts


Front hole”?


The Human Rights Campaign Foundation has published a “Safer Sex for Trans Bodies” guide, and the folks at the foundation have decided to rename male and female genitalia (sorry, “parts”).


From the new guide:


DICK: We use this word to describe external genitals. Dicks come in all shapes and sizes and can belong to people of all genders.


FRONT HOLE: We use this word to talk about internal genitals, sometimes referred to as a vagina. A front hole may self-lubricate, depending on age and hormones.


STRAPLESS: We use this word to describe the genitals of trans women who have not had genital reconstruction (or “bottom surgery”), sometimes referred to as a penis.


VAGINA: We use this word to talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery.


The guide has tips on masturbation, a section titled, “SCREWING, SHAGGING OR MATTRESS DANCING,” and one on safe sex “without barriers.”

Anonymous ID: 718e21 Jan. 9, 2020, 8:29 p.m. No.7769162   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Child sexual exploitation policy (Twitter)



March 2019


We have a zero-tolerance child sexual exploitation policy on Twitter.


Twitter has zero tolerance towards any material that features or promotes child sexual exploitation, one of the most serious violations of the Twitter Rules. This may include media, text, illustrated, or computer-generated images.


Regardless of the intent, viewing, sharing, or linking to child sexual exploitation material contributes to the re-victimization of the depicted children. This also applies to content that may further contribute to victimization of children through the promotion or glorification of child sexual exploitation. For the purposes of this policy, a minor is any person under the age of 18.


What is in violation of this policy?

Any content that depicts or promotes child sexual exploitation including, but not limited to:


visual depictions of a child engaging in sexually explicit or sexually suggestive acts;

illustrated, computer-generated or other forms of realistic depictions of a human child in a sexually explicit context, or engaging in sexually explicit acts;

sexualized commentaries about or directed at a known or unknown minor; and

links to third-party sites that host child sexual exploitation material.

The following behaviors are also not permitted:


sharing fantasies about or promoting engagement in child sexual exploitation;

expressing a desire to obtain materials that feature child sexual exploitation;

recruiting, advertising or expressing an interest in a commercial sex act involving a child, or in harboring and/or transporting a child for sexual purposes;

sending sexually explicit media to a child;

engaging or trying to engage a child in a sexually explicit conversation;

trying to obtain sexually explicit media from a child or trying to engage a child in sexual activity through blackmail or other incentives; and

identifying alleged victims of childhood sexual exploitation by name or image.


==What is not a violation of this policy?

Discussions related to child sexual exploitation as a phenomenon or attraction towards minors are permitted, provided they don’t promote or glorify child sexual exploitation in any way. Artistic depictions of nude minors in a non-sexualized context or setting may be permitted in a limited number of scenarios e.g., works by internationally renowned artists that feature minors.==