Anonymous ID: 7e2bdf Jan. 9, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.7768654   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8812 >>8841 >>8875

I'm not sure if you guys fully understand why our presence in Iran is so important and necessary. Take it from someone that practiced and learned Islam for a few months in an Islamic country and saw it for what it is.


I came to NA as a child and my family assimilated, as everyone should or GTFO. My loyalty is to you all, the best country I have ever lived in by far. Where you can even say "Fuck Christians" in a Christian country and people will still listen to you and maybe even ask you to elaborate. Good luck doing that in a non-Western country.


First of all let me educate you on what a country under SHARIA LAW means. It means the Quran is the ABSOLUTE law, and a segment of that law is to kill or convert non-Muslims until the Universe is essentially unified under Islam. Until Iran operates under the same or similar laws we do, they are an inevitable threat.


Islam has no spiritual leader like Christianity (Pope) or Buddhism (Lama) does. Even amongst Muslims there is major conflict, it will never end.


I met an ex-scholar of Islam who studied in Pakistan who is addicted to drugs now because of what he witnessed in that University. 2 of his fellow classmates were responsible for the London bombings. He also told me that Iran had nukes. I'll take his word for it over anyone else since he was deep with inside information. Shit is probably way worse than you think it is. EU could be cratered. What mainly fucked him up was seeing gay orgies in the Mosques. They are using Islam as a tool to project their own evil onto the world.


The people I went to the mosque with all said that they were willing to fight for Jihad (fight/die for Muslim religion). That was pretty much when I bailed.


I like to learn from all religions.


"Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." Bruce Lee


What I learned from Islam is how it started and its foundation:

-Believe in God and declare your faith

-Fast during the month of Ramadan

-Pray 5 times a day

-Donate 10% of your earnings to the poor

-Visit Mecca at least once in your life.


Anything else is not Islam, the Quran is just a Lawbook. Anyone can live by those 5 pillars peacefully like the Sufis do. We need to abandon old Lawbooks like the Quran, or even I say the bible and go back to the core principles of faith. Occam's Razor, the simplest solution is probably the best one.


I consider myself Agnostic. I thought I should also add I am also white and mixed genes. Dark skinned muslims never liked me because I'm white with colored eyes, Christians never liked me when I mentioned even just the country I grew up in. My given name was made fun of a lot by you Christians btw. Well even then I believe I truly have a neutral opinion take it for what it is. But definitely mixing races is not healthy for child, it causes severe identity problems and issues finding a tribe.