Anonymous ID: c40f01 Jan. 9, 2020, 7:37 p.m. No.7768699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9033

Follow the Wives


Anons, did we all just blow by this one?

Much to dig here..

Luuucy… ju got some 'splainin' to do…


17 February Martyrs Brigade


Nov 2011-Dec 2012: Kristi Rogers, wife of HPSCI Chm. Mike Rogers & President/CEO of Aegis Defense Services LLC, won large global security contract from DOS under which Welsh Blue Mt. firm was hired in Benghazi, which then sub-contracted w/17 Feb Martyrs Brigade to defend the Special Mission Compound (SMC)


which leads to…


11 Sep 2012 (2200+ BT): GRS team cleared SMC of attackers, located & removed Sean Smith’s body from inside one building still on fire. Also located & escorted out 6 persons including DSS guards found hiding in safe rooms. Unable to locate Stevens. DSS guards told them 17 February Martyrs Brigade guards opened SMC gates to attackers, then either fled or joined in attack.

