Anonymous ID: e062c7 Jan. 9, 2020, 8:42 p.m. No.7769288   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9314



Stop thinking in "timelines". "Time" doesn't exist and is an illusion granted to us via the likes of the Moon.

Did you know Atlantis had no concept of 'Time'? Did you know there are ancient tribes alive today in remote areas throughout the world which have ancestral stories of times of "before the moon arrived"?


Allow me to explain the CERN(unnos) angle for you.

At CERN, they have a huge machine that's a glorified "let's smash these things together" tube. As CERN smashes two particles together, they become connected. Once the connection forms, a "portal" is conjured.

Particles can be thought of as what we would call "worlds", meaning that when the two particles or worlds are destroyed, a portal to a new world is opened.


Essentially, they're fucking with what we should just call magnetism (which, detailed science explanations aren't my forte, so I'll try to be concise). In joining these worlds together, new connections are made between adjacent worlds.


This is the supposed explanation for the Mandela Effect - that things aren't necessarily changing themselves, but our perspectives of them.

Considering we're all connected, the depths of such fundamental alterations appears to pervade our egos.


Hopefully this explanation is adequate.


I also wanted >>7768837 to see this.

You need to be aware, man, that "occult" simply means hidden. Should you progress much further, this is something you'll desperately need to comprehend. I don't mean to condescend here, but you must see the grave importance of this misunderstanding.



What is DNA? What all does it do?




Are you just fucking around?

You basically nailed it, manโ€ฆ



Denial and ignorance will get you nowhere, my friend.

One must be receptive and malleable here. Be like water.

Those of us who are quick to emote will be quite the prey here.

Anonymous ID: e062c7 Jan. 9, 2020, 8:53 p.m. No.7769384   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I'll give this one a go.


Everything is a choice, anon.

Everything. All of it. No exceptions.


You chose to come to this place and you can choose to leave.

Of course, certain "people" do certain things to make it harder for you to leave, but once you decide you're packing your shit up and waiting by the door, you're not going to make it that far.


You have to want it and it make legitimate effort. Practically no one will accomplish not having to come back, tough (statistically speaking I mean).