Anonymous ID: e5e6cf Jan. 9, 2020, 7:36 p.m. No.7768682   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7768469 (pb)

I might be able to explain this.

When I was a young pede we stayed in a place where a ghost roamed a part of the woods on the property. I saw the ghost; I asked my mother why the ghost couldn't see us... and she responded (because she knew I was a nerd-pede), that it wasn't really a ghost, but a mirror into the past, and that the mirror was only one way.


Several years later it dawned on me that it if what she'd told me back then was true, it was a way to view the past up close and personal, one you knew where to look. I subsequently realized that because the Universe needs balance in order to not rip itself to shreds, that there had to be corresponding mirrors into the future... if you knew where to look.


And if you did know where to look, then it would be possible to send a message back in time, simply by providing that message to the future through either another one-way mirror, or simply by arranging to have the message sent back once time caught up to the future.


Think about it.