Anonymous ID: f562c1 Jan. 9, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.7769488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9614 >>9620



>usually leave you alone.

>don't get too cocky


I'm genuinely embarrassed for you. There is no level of cockiness too extreme to be appropriate when dealing with you. I myself shit in AFLB's mouth every day, and yet you are beneath contempt even compared to xe and xis horribly mutilated man-pussy. Think about that for a while. I will mock you every day and you'll never do a fucking thing about it! A schizophrenic tranny is more effective on these boards than you, think about that for a while!



>You think Patriots don't know who you are? FLOL. Keep posting you dumb bastard, this file is gonna be glorious. When the "untouchables" get poked in the eye'd


You are a low-tier larping retard boomer, and no matter how many times you say retarded shit like this you will still be a retard worthy of nothing but mockery. I promise you that, I guarantee it, and I laugh at you every time you post. And I'm a literal fucking nobody. If there are any actual big players here, the kind you think I am, they are probably laughing at you 10 times harder, because everything you post is pathetic cringe, and those are the kind of people who can verify it factually, whereas I just know it by intuition after seeing your pathetic shit-tier "hurr muhh patriots" bullshit posts for ages.


Get some self-awareness, for fuck's sake. It's sad as hell watching you post. But I'll keep watching because, well, it's entertaining and you never quit no matter how far behind you get. No one is scared of your boomer bullshit, boomer. Prove me wrong, prove me wrong, prove me wrong! No really, go ahead and post again "Grrr! I'll get you leaf, I have a folder where I save images! Grrrr! Patriots know who you are!"




Now cry about pb\lb please

Anonymous ID: f562c1 Jan. 9, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.7769566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9576 >>9581 >>9616 >>9698 >>0039 >>0075 >>0097 >>0121


>filenames are the same


True for a lot of people who post here, and I for one don't give a shit. Not even a little bit. It's easy enough to obfuscate those by pasting the image, which changes the filename to ClipboardImage, but to make that effort, one would have to give a fuck. I use this site on clearnet with a static IP address that I also use on twitter, facebook, google mail, and umpteen other websites. I don't care. I am no one with nothing and have nothing to lose making fun of all you "grrr we're going to backtrace it and get you" retards that think everyone is a shill, a leaf, JIDF, CIA, or whatever the fuck flavor of mental illness glue you're sniffing lately.


None of you are as smart as you think you are. The real players–actual MILINT and NSA–cannot be hidden from at all. No matter what method you use that you think hides you, it doesn't. They can watch every single TOR exit node, decrypt your VPN, and collect and store 100% of your network traffic in real time. When they say "WE HAVE EVERYTHING," they mean so much more than a lot of you realize.


The good guys are in control. There is nothing to be afraid of. You waste time "battling shills," because you're too stupid to realize that the actual shills are skilled at this and blend in and deliver lies well-blended with truth, and you never recognize them at all. The people you argue with and call shills are just retards like me who are making fun of you. Waste as much bread arguing about it as you like, you're not accomplishing anything except creating an effective smoke screen for the real subversive posters who are running circles around you. Tough talk, but real talk.

Anonymous ID: f562c1 Jan. 9, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.7769672   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Is this pasta or did you actually just type this out?


Oh no. Which answer is the answer you're looking for? Whichever one that is, I would like to give the opposite answer.



>But out of curiosity what is 'anime children'?

>And when have I posted lewd?


He's just one of the schizos that's conflating every poster they don't like as leaf. Me, you, and probably a dozen others. I, for one, do post lewd on a regular basis. Sorry for making you look bad! Not that you need the help, but it never hurts to help, right!?


The thing about free speech - you have to abuse it hard as fuck to prove you actually still have it. It's why, even though I hate finkelshit, seeing his posts is almost reassuring in a way. It means the board is still "working as intended" if even guys like that can post whatever they want.

Anonymous ID: f562c1 Jan. 9, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.7769702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9731


>DelusionAnon - 5E do NOT control ALL the pipes


I can't really argue with you about that, you believe what you believe, and I'll believe what knowledge and intuition tell me is the case. I know for a fact that every data center in America has a 1:1 splitter installed that routes a mirror of all traffic to the intelligence agencies. How the fuck do you think FISA works?



>Ima copy/paste this brilliance, if you don't mind anon.

>Well said.


Of course I don't mind, and even if I did, it would be your responsibility to tell me to fuck off and do it anyway.

Anonymous ID: f562c1 Jan. 9, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.7769720   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nice try, kiddo, but I know you read every word of it and posting the TL;DR macro was your only way out of getting your face knocked in by the facts L O L O L

Anonymous ID: f562c1 Jan. 9, 2020, 9:42 p.m. No.7769742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9777


>And here's the 5th fucktard MUHJEWSHILL. Yey! Once i filter you, ill be so fucken comfy for the rest of this bread. Fuck you and your copypasta. And POOF you're gone


I'm completely fucking bored of the usual suspects, finkelshit and the guy that posts the "Antisemitism, it's a trick we always use it" image, and there's a couple more. I love a good merchant meme here and there, but the crap that just gets recycled every bread is utterly fucking boring.

Anonymous ID: f562c1 Jan. 9, 2020, 9:51 p.m. No.7769800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9914


>I just hope she washes that dinosaur before lil Johnny plays with it again.


The tough part of life is that the internet overflows with pictures whose origins and outcomes we'll never know.

Anonymous ID: f562c1 Jan. 9, 2020, 10:13 p.m. No.7769946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've caught up to the end of the bread before it got full. That's a sure sign that it's night shift. Time to go check the racks and then climb into my rack.