Lots of uses, I use it around the house all the time. It's very gentle, I make a paste with water and it cleans/scrubs sinks/tubs/tea-stained cups/spoons amazing and is very nice on the hands believe it or not, gentle exfoilation. Use in baths, laundry. They used to use it in water as an eye rinse/anti-biotic iirc. I also have taken it internally. Amazing results, cured a rash I had that was getting worse and itchy as hell, it was gone in days, felt the itch go away within the first day. No problems. I went 1/4 tsp in 1L of water (male), cup in the morning, lunch, supper and bed. Four, 1 cup doses a day. 5 days on, 2 days off. Not medical advice. Not a medfag.
Funny note: It never used to say "Not for internal use" on the box until after it started getting popular in alt-health circles. Now it has a warning. KEK.