>>7770255 LB
and these:
>>7770255 LB
and these:
there is a video of BHO with an AK and a robe on shooting at an american flag that is allegedly going to drop. all the pics of BHO is Indonesia on the couch dont match that.
here is a collage of different ages of BHO
could not do it. when i said BHO in a robe i thought of Gandolphini lumbering down the driveway…LOL.
that image was a play on BHO in muslum dress…in a robe. following the plan.
holy shit……is he somolian too!!!!!!! How many oil tankers was he near in his childhood!!!
I think many of us have a hard time separating jews from what we are battling. Some decent people on here say it is evil…not a group.
If you are trying to have a civil conversation with the unaware i am have been using a new group of words:
zionist roth shoes.
I think this is a real winner. first shoes rhymes with jews. After a lifetime of complaining about jews the rhyming really helps with the totally removal of blaming a religious group.
When labeled as a racist because shoes is some white power code for jews calmly reply:
"oh no, evil does not belong to any group or religion. I say "roth shoes" because Rothchild means Red Shield. Roth = Red. I identify true evil as "red shoes" because such people as Tom Hanks, Spielburg and Bill Mahar make 1 red shoe out of 1 newborn baby they sacrifice to moloch. So a pair of shoes mean they killed 2 newborns.
Let's defeat evil people. No whole group is evil. Not even congress.
it will break people from blaming jews. groups are not evil. individuals are.
I'm taking it back……like Randall!
Both Soros puppets. That memo about the lady suicide bomber coming thru mexico. Total misdirection. I would have the canada border with minnesota on 24 hour surveylance.
3 billion of gold from Libya in 2013 = 4 billion toda. to UAE or Qatar.
all over the 7s
WOLF MOON!!!!!!!!
shooting a flag. not an american.
asswipe…..you are taking it out of context. TZB:
typical zionist behavior.
The idea is not to blame jews. jews are not the problem.
How is the weather in b'nai b'rith Schlomo?
proof most Israeli's are decent people….unlike you. All your posts are the same.
we're cha aaaaa aaaaaaaaained!!
these zionist red shoes are spreading worse on here then the al queda fires in austrailia.
i am tired. appologies. i meant zionist roth shoes.
you are going the wrong direction. Alex Jones is a controlled opposition who mimics William Cooper. See who William Milton Cooper learned all his info from. Great man.
lol. i forgot to ID you. buy buy.
i'll say it more straight forward.
William Milton Cooper took alot of his info from another GREAT MAN!!!!!! Got it.
Alex Jones is a schill. Cooper had a good run. Find out where Cooper got his data and alot of his shows information from……..
and my #'s have been on fire tonight!!!!! rolling straight fire!