Anonymous ID: 26078c Jan. 10, 2020, 12:49 a.m. No.7770649   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0682 >>0688


I think many of us have a hard time separating jews from what we are battling. Some decent people on here say it is evil…not a group.


If you are trying to have a civil conversation with the unaware i am have been using a new group of words:


zionist roth shoes.


I think this is a real winner. first shoes rhymes with jews. After a lifetime of complaining about jews the rhyming really helps with the totally removal of blaming a religious group.

When labeled as a racist because shoes is some white power code for jews calmly reply:


"oh no, evil does not belong to any group or religion. I say "roth shoes" because Rothchild means Red Shield. Roth = Red. I identify true evil as "red shoes" because such people as Tom Hanks, Spielburg and Bill Mahar make 1 red shoe out of 1 newborn baby they sacrifice to moloch. So a pair of shoes mean they killed 2 newborns.


Let's defeat evil people. No whole group is evil. Not even congress.