Well I am faithful meaning I believe in something bigger than myself, identify as a Christian as I believe Christ existed but I would hang with an agnostic or an Athiest before any of the diehard Christians I have met. I have been to many many churches looking for one that was truly in line with what I believed Christ preached (through parables and such)…but Born Agains judge their fellow humans as if they are all going to hell if they are not baptized, and then the Catholics (church I was raised) are all about confessing your sins and keeping up your donations to the church and participating in all church functions (or they will excommunicate you, not give a proper burial etc) and other churches were really just preaching their interpretation of the bible and would scare the shit out of a very young naive me…who woke me up, my daughter….I cannot rationally belong to any group that the majority pins you against another which seems to occur in most organized religion. I believe in basic kindness and respect of all living sentient beings, I do not judge someone by anything that has to do with the current identity fad going (otherwise known as identity politics).
I have always been a searcher, researcher and believer that we do indeed shape our own destiny with guidance from a higher power, we live and let live, protect the innocent and speak truth…its a pretty simple transparent way to live. Its a sort of freedom within our oppressed society. Many people have no idea how to have an idea all their own…and lo and behold I somehow someway, never being on the chans or anything, found you all two years ago this month…
Amazing how it all works…