Anonymous ID: 9fdf1f Jan. 10, 2020, 12:36 a.m. No.7770600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I strongly suspect they're using astronomy headlines to pass along comms. Here me out.


On 12/14/19, there was a headline in The Sun about a "Texas-size" storm on Jupiter with numbers that allude to 11/22. That seems awfully coincidental, right? "Texas storm" and "11" and "22" all in the same article? Jupiter is so large that a "Texas-size storm" amounts to a pinhead, so why even bother reporting it?


Exactly four weeks later, look what shows up in The Sun: "Jupiter is flinging asteroids at Earth ‘like a sniper’." So now we've got A SNIPER in the headlines following "Texas-size storm"? C'mon! What is with this language?


Folks, I don't know what is going on with these articles or on Jupiter, but I know "Texas-size storm," "11/22," and "like a sniper" are no coincidence.