Anonymous ID: d34630 Jan. 9, 2020, 11:22 p.m. No.7770306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0333 >>0675 >>0784 >>0854 >>0957

Exclusive: Border Patrol Circulates Intel Alert Titled ‘Suspected Suicide Bomber en Route to the U.S.’


Authorities along the U.S. border are on alert after receiving a law enforcement intelligence warning about a possible suicide bomber heading north toward the U.S.-Mexico Border. Breitbart obtained an exclusive copy of the leaked official document from a source operating under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The official report was circulated to law enforcement partners along the U.S. border, the intelligence originated from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), and the report was circulated by Border Patrol Intelligence. Breitbart confirmed the authenticity of the document with multiple law enforcement sources; however, the details contained within the report have not been verified by Breitbart and the purpose of officials circulating the warning is to alert other authorities and to seek help in verifying the accuracy of the information. The report being authentic does not verify that a suicide bomber is actually headed toward the U.S.-Mexico Border, but rather that such intelligence was received from a credible source or sources.


According to the document, on January 8, 2020, the Yuma Sector Operations Center received information from HSI about a previously deported Guatemalan national named “…” who is allegedly leading a group of four Middle Eastern males and one female to the U.S. from Mexico. The female is described as a “suspected suicide bomber.” The report stated that according to HSI, the group already traveled through Guatemala, Belize, and is currently in Veracruz, Mexico. The described group is expected to travel to San Luis Rio Colorado in the Mexican state of Sonora, just south of Arizona. “HSI reported they received information the group will be making entry into the U.S. through the All-American Canal in the next couple of days,” the report revealed. The All-American Canal is located in California. Breitbart redacted contact information and images from the official report, as well as the name of the alleged individual accused of leading the group.

Anonymous ID: d34630 Jan. 9, 2020, 11:42 p.m. No.7770396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0675 >>0784 >>0854 >>0943 >>0957

Maggie Haberman, Ana Navarro And Shaun King Among A Massive List Of Activist Journalists Named On Covington’s Lawsuit


Multiple prominent journalists and lawmakers have been slapped with a lawsuit by lawyer Robert E. Barnes, who represents multiple Covington Catholic students. The lawsuit was filed Aug. 14, 2019, and ten people are being sued for defamation. Among those being sued include 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, CNN political commentator Ana Navarro, New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman, writer Shaun King and six others, according to a court filing obtained by the Daily Caller. The others named in the lawsuit are Democratic New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland, political consultant Matthew John Dowd, comedian Kathy Griffin, ABC analyst Matthew Dowd, former CNN commentator Reza Aslan, Princeton University professor Kevin M. Kruse, editor of Mother Jones Clara Jeffery and author Jodi Jacobson.


Aslan received backlash after a January 2019 tweet asking Twitter users if they had “ever seen a more punchable face than” Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann. The tweet was deleted Wednesday evening. Barnes confirmed that he is not representing Sandmann in a tweet Thursday morning. “Aslan helped lead social media lynch mob encouraging violence against a bunch of kids, then refused to even apologize when it was shown he was dead wrong,” Barnes told the Daily Caller. Aslan has not yet responded to the lawsuit, Barnes added. It is not known if any of the other people being sued have responded to the lawsuit or when they were served with it. Aslan wrote Thursday he “thought” he had deleted the tweet “a long time ago,” adding that his wife asked him to do so.


The defamation lawsuit includes negligent infliction of emotional distress, harassment, and intrusion on seclusion. Barnes is seeking between $15,000 and $50,000 for each of the ten Covington Catholic boys, who have remained anonymous.


“A field trip to our nation’s capital for a group of minors from Covington, Kentucky turned into a social media nightmare that changed their futures forever,” the lawsuit reads. “Several of our Senators, most-famous celebrities, and widely read journalists, collectively used their large social media platforms, perceived higher credibility and public followings to lie and libel minors they never met, based on an event they never witnessed.” “These defendants called for the kids to be named and shamed, doxxed and expelled, and invited public retaliation against these minors from a small town in Kentucky. The defendants circulated false statements about them to millions of people around the world.”


The Covington Catholic boys became notable after news outlets reported that Sandmann was mocking a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, while visiting Washington, D.C. in January 2019. After media and lawmakers attacked Sandmann and the other boys, it became known that the Covington students were being verbally attacked by protestors nearby. CNN settled a lawsuit brought by Sandmann for an unknown amount Wednesday. The Covington Catholic student is also suing the Washington Post and NBC Universal.

Anonymous ID: d34630 Jan. 9, 2020, 11:52 p.m. No.7770435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0445 >>0675 >>0784 >>0854 >>0957

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Republicans have an active investigation into Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson



