Anonymous ID: 126d46 March 24, 2018, 5:41 a.m. No.777363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7481 >>7546


Amen anon!


They just have no idea what it’s like to have so much faith. And it’s not from being told thing. It’s a feeling in my soul. A KNOWING!


If something detrimental were to happen, we would KNOW! One bill doesn’t change that.


Try harder clowns. This is something your clever veil of deception can not drape over


Lord Rothschild

CIA niggers

George and Alex Soros faggots


You are the scum

The sheep


You believe you are some type of Gods KEK


Sucks being stuck on the floating space rock and being exposed doesn’t it?

Anonymous ID: 126d46 March 24, 2018, 5:54 a.m. No.777436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7461


I haven’t seen valid criticism in a while. This bill is something we know nothing about. As a nation we survived Clinton BOTH Bush’s AND Obama PLUS Hillary as Sec of State


Patriot Act Obama’s 2012 NDAA


We have been through the ringer and I don’t think this budget is going to be the death to America. Our government is about give and take. Our military has been CRIPPLED. Right now things stay the status quo and what’s the worse that can happen? Some DEMS end up respecting Trump? Maybe end up VOTING Trump 2020?


I can’t in good conscious get all up in arms over something nobody knows anything about.


I HATE the fact we have to pay for abortions for degenerates. I do. But I KNOW it won’t be forever that tax payers will have to pay for these people’s abortions.


Status quo is okay. We aren’t DYING. We survived OBAMA for Christ sakes! We will survive this and we KNOW arrests are coming. This is NOT permanent. We all lack wisdom to foresee what’s to come. The BIGGER PICTURE

Anonymous ID: 126d46 March 24, 2018, 6:20 a.m. No.777586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7740

We truly are a blessed land.


And (((they))) know it


1776 to present day

The lunar eclipse


The first year of Trumps presidency and the again on the last




No. Don’t kid yourself.

These times we are living in are of epic and BIBLICAL proportions. I’m not a Catholic Christian or a Jew but even I can recognize divine prophecy when I see it.


Patriots helped Trump become president. Those patriots are soldiers of God, as is POTUS.


Not dem vs Rep

Good vs Evil

Light vs Dark


Light can (and did) survive in darkness

Darkness can not survive in light


There’s no need for a balance of good and evil

Yin and yang


We CAN we all light

All good


There is NO NEED for evil

And it must be purged from this world


God, thank you for giving us this chance. We will not let you or our forefathers down. We are destined for greatness.


Oh say does that Star Splangled banner yet wave, o’er the land of the freeee and the home of the brave??


Yup! Sure does!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 126d46 March 24, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.777632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7692


How about we aren’t privy to that info and we will not know until the reason presents itself. What the fuck is the point of worrying?


Are our LIVES going to end?

Will our hearts STOP beating?

Will America crumple up and sink into the ocean?


Worry worry worry


Have fun with the anxiety.

I trust POTUS with my life.

I trust he will make our military stronger than any military could of ever dreamed of.


Happy soldiers = will to survive

Anonymous ID: 126d46 March 24, 2018, 6:29 a.m. No.777642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7651 >>7660


You should of heard what Tucker said last night about CNN airport .. the influence they have in other countries. Very last segment on his show.. last night. Go watch it


Even I was SHOCKED

Anonymous ID: 126d46 March 24, 2018, 6:33 a.m. No.777658   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7727


I don’t think there will be a crash either but I disagree about China.


Everything going on with China has already been agreed to. China has been under a deepstate strangle hold, just like all the other countries.

Rothschild/CIA tenticles tightly wrapped around their governments.


We have freed them. We have freed all of them.

Anonymous ID: 126d46 March 24, 2018, 6:34 a.m. No.777673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7726


I don’t like watching tucker because he just has libtards on there and they just yell to get a word in…


But I happened to catch it when waiting for hannity and found it to be verrryy interdasting

Anonymous ID: 126d46 March 24, 2018, 6:37 a.m. No.777691   🗄️.is 🔗kun


IDk man I’m not banging my head against any walls.


If anything my head is thinking with utmost clarity. I believe in Q and POTUS and all you anons who have been here since /pol/ and even the newfags who came here and learned our culture and assimilated. I trust you fags and you are my family.


I pray everyday I somehow meet one of you lol


Just one friend to talk about it with. I am much more productive when I have somebody to share my ideas with verbally and in person.