Anonymous ID: 9532fc March 24, 2018, 6:02 a.m. No.777501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7508 >>7519 >>7675



Anons, if billions are going to the military, specifically Army Corps of engineers to build the wall..


1 POTYS has authority to make them build it

2 They cant say no…military command

3 Cheaper! Do you think POTUS got companies to design the best wall so Army Corps builds it?

4 National security

5 Cant be defunded, blocked politically

  1. If protest try to stop the build, military can remove them for interfering in military operation.

7 Builders can be protected by the MILITARY! Say hello to my little friend, Mexicans.

8 They will start building THIS YEAR! Money is there. No lengthy bidding process either.

9 POTUS has all the manpower and resources at his fingertips, included 37,000 engineers/ builders



10 It will be delivered on time and under

Anonymous ID: 9532fc March 24, 2018, 6:58 a.m. No.777878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7898

From the 777777 post:


Trump is for real


Q is for real


The wall will be built.






We Will Win, We Will Win, We Will Win.




I am starting to wonder about who posted this. Someone good for sure. Thoughts, Anons?


Best part is the shills missed it. lololololol