Anonymous ID: c9f0ec March 24, 2018, 6:36 a.m. No.777680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7694 >>7702 >>7756 >>7847

I was hoping I wouldn’t have to post this but doesn’t seem like anyone has brought it to light.


This spending bill isn’t some 4d chess move. What it was however was the last thing they had over him. They knew he’d sign it to get military funding so they packed the shit out of it to hurt his base. Y’all fell for it.


The clock activated was meaning it was the end of THEIR turn. Now POTUS move.


However POTUS mother fucking took one on the chin for you and you go right to bitching about him.


What’s left that they got over him or to stall him?? Nothing. He took the black eye to get through it to the other end with nothing left holding him back.


It’s motherfucking WAR PATH time. March madness about to begin.