Anonymous ID: 027b0f Jan. 10, 2020, 4:05 a.m. No.7771125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1135


Solemani held (their) whole shit sow together…he was a linchpin…


(they) are panicking…


Trudeau cucked out…what would we say if Iran killed 70+ of our citizens with a missile attack? His reaction MUTED at best…

Anonymous ID: 027b0f Jan. 10, 2020, 4:09 a.m. No.7771140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1148 >>1162


kek and great stuff! While VERY IMPORTANT, our bodies excellent at building these mediators provided we have the proper resources.


PROPER RESOURCES the key. Where does cysterine come from? What foods? What precursors…


When you do that dig you will stumble across a system that is more important than our CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM called the endocannabinoid system…


We should all learn about the endocannabinoid system…it is the future of health, somewhat characterized but a TON OR WORK still to do, not yet in mainstream science, but beginning to be…

Anonymous ID: 027b0f Jan. 10, 2020, 4:17 a.m. No.7771171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1220 >>1237 >>1247 >>1252 >>1424 >>1714 >>1740



Jim W transcript is troubling concerning deplatforming…


anons willing to sit back and let it happen or take some action?


-Jim sounded like he was threatened and I am sure some codes in the video..anyone want to take a stab at a good looksie?

-Jim indicating that we should contact Congress? We know how to do that…

-No comms outside this board does restrict our action level…


I am not one to LET THIS HAPPEN if we can prevent it, just not sure what actions we need to take…


Ideas? Thoughts?

Anonymous ID: 027b0f Jan. 10, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.7771193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1198 >>1214


We take in master pre-cursors which are broken down into chemical mediators which "fuel" our body and allow it to do things…like regulate itself.


The endocannabinoid system is your master regulatory system and sits in function above your central nervous system. It is somewhat of a nuero system but fires way more basic than other neuro systems, it also extends to the caton channel and really every aspect of your body.


A bunch of knowledge, classes, teaching coming soon. Cognitive dissoance a big one here as every just equates endocannabinoid to cannabis and that limits your understanding similar to linking morphine to your endorphin system…endorphine WAY MORE than morphine effects…


U of Maryland has a master level class starting soon in their pharma dept. Other U's will start up…soon due to $$


Most master programs might get 50-100 students. Of those Us are paying some as GAs, scholarshiping most, and very few pay full ride…


U of Maryland got 500+ QUALIFIED applicants for their program…took 150..all paying FULL RIDE!!! $4.5MM first semester $9MM next…


It is coming…learn about the endocannabinoid system…

Anonymous ID: 027b0f Jan. 10, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.7771217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1241


giving up ICANN was a big deal and glad this is coming up and in the notables…one of the stupidist things we every did. ICANN is the registration for domains/IP addys.


Wthout the translation between IP —domain name no browser would work. This translation tables stored in Domain Name Servers in router installations around the country.


Alot of ways to KILL the internet…table corruption, IP masks, many ways…

Anonymous ID: 027b0f Jan. 10, 2020, 4:34 a.m. No.7771237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1252





if others feel some action valuable maybe pin or put in notables..or pin with Watkins post…


sitting and letting it happen will NOT appeal to most of us, just have no idea what we need to do…

Anonymous ID: 027b0f Jan. 10, 2020, 4:48 a.m. No.7771294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1315 >>1337 >>1380 >>1465 >>1482 >>1714


ICANN might be the HOW but doubtful the big company…


ATT more likely the big company…

-ATT had bell labs a big source of fuckery

-ATT split into baby bells in the 80's due to monopoly

-southwestern bell ended up getting huge and buying back ATT

-Bell labs spun out into LUCENT (lucifer enterprises) in the 90's

-ATT has a tremendous router/data center presence…


Other co could be like Cisco and a router company could really screw things up…


my (guess) Att…

Anonymous ID: 027b0f Jan. 10, 2020, 5:13 a.m. No.7771383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1395 >>1399 >>1465 >>1482 >>1494 >>1714

Wired article worth a read…ICANN under UN control?


Apparently DJT did a PRESS RELEASE about this…but cannot find it…


"Cruz campaigned against the transition for months, claiming it would allow China, Iran, and Russia to censor what we in the US can see on the Internet. Trump weighed in with an ominous press release claiming that President Barack Obama planned to give control of the Internet to the United Nations. And last week, four red-state attorneys general launched a failed attempt to block the handover, insisting it was an unlawful transfer of government property.


On Friday, a judge tossed the case from the attorneys general, allowing the transition to go through. And now that ICANN owns IANA, we don't have to worry about the arguments from Cruz and Trump. After all, they make no sense."


"Apparently, Trump was feeding off a recent column from L. Gordon Crovitz, where former Wall Street Journal publisher argued that ICANN would team up with the UN in order to keep its antitrust exemption. But as ICANN general counsel John Jeffrey pointed out, ICANN has never had an antitrust exemption. In fact, the Department of Commerce explicitly stated in 1998 that ICANN would be subject to antitrust law.


Nor does the transfer give countries like China or Russia control over IANA—let alone the entire Internet. Both countries are part of an existing ICANN committee called the Governmental Advisory Committee, or GAC. The GAC advises ICANN and can force ICANN's board to vote on proposals, but forcing a vote requires a consensus from the GAC, so no one country push policies without support of the rest of the member states. The board can still vote down the GAC's proposals. And because ICANN is based in California, it still has to follow US law, as do US companies like Verisign that handle domain name registration under contract of ICANN."

Anonymous ID: 027b0f Jan. 10, 2020, 5:16 a.m. No.7771395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1406 >>1429 >>1465 >>1482 >>1714




>Dedicated 6Gb attack Digg Thread

Might give some indication related to Watkins warning…


More the news recently about IRAN…hmmm…


"In response to the U.S. Department of Treasury press release from November 22, 2019, Treasury Designates Iran’s Minister of Information and Communications Technology in View of the Regime’s Repressive Internet Censorship, there are additional pressures, targeting Iran, that can be applied to fast track diplomacy with the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism.


The Minister of Information and Communications controls only part of the Internet in Iran. The Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences controls all remaining access and .ir domains. The organization is controlled directly by President Rouhani but remains unsanctioned.


Furthermore, we urge the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), who delegates all country code top-level domain properties, to terminate all access to .ir domains by removing the .ir domain delegation from the DNS root zone until these sanctions are lifted.


In addition, we request new regulation and terminination of other ccTLDs operated by governments that enable human rights violations, censorship and terrorism, as demanded by the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


It is unacceptable that ICANN has intellectual property dispute policies for commercial abuses but has no accountability or regulation for acts of terrorism and basic human rights violations carried out by the governments they grant ccTLD property to."