Anonymous ID: 2655c7 Jan. 10, 2020, 5:29 a.m. No.7771440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1450 >>1545 >>1547 >>1555 >>1557


Just the individual post.

If the baker archives, then just his post will be archived. Still working on fixing bugs in the system, so please understand if some details behind the system dont work as expected yet or are changed slightly.

Likely going to take a few days to get it right.

Anonymous ID: 2655c7 Jan. 10, 2020, 6:09 a.m. No.7771579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1594 >>1597


>Anything in the JSON we can use to indicate/access the archived Susucoin post?

Not sure, will check that and add it if not.



There is currently a 500 character limit, its probably not enough for a header. I will work on expanding the storage capacity after the initial bugs are fixed up.