Anonymous ID: 9d6533 Jan. 10, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.7771191   🗄️.is 🔗kun


how dare we move right in and be here as vigil for justice and all those masons be like 'oh no here is what you are'.


more likely if there were such a thing people would say 'what a good idea, let's use this board and see what it is' and then we'd come here and realize 'OMG all the shit I can't talk about to everyone that I know is true that they blissfully pretend is not is being discussed and they say 'think for yourself''


hey dope, when they shut down the rest of the Internet you hopefully will still have this place to say what you want. But if it's 'telling us what we are' on your first post of the first day I say 'lurk moar, post less'

Anonymous ID: 9d6533 Jan. 10, 2020, 4:29 a.m. No.7771213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


now that you are here activly posting then you are also 'this shit'

my question: then should we stop listening to you too?

answer: clearly if you think that way you shouldn't even be posting here.


this is a public square. People say what they need to say and the don't pester others or we call them 'shills'. So you are pestering.


if this place sucks so much and is so fake, you would not be here.

you know this is an important conduit for a crowd of civic minded folk who care about the future that you, or your enablers, desparatly want to control.


if you got good ideass for the future, speak up! Tell us what they are. It's more interesting then the 'I am smart and hector you while I say you have no brain'

that is the script of shills in a minecraft world, bud.

Anonymous ID: 9d6533 Jan. 10, 2020, 4:46 a.m. No.7771286   🗄️.is 🔗kun


that train is a metaphor for self-entitled liberalism. They are ll so sure it's the right thing to do, to be on that train. But they are on someone else's track. Someone else has access to the switches. And they really don't know what

the final destination is for the passengers on that train.

Chew chew next stop the organ harvast clinic at the end of the line. Choo choo. go liberal do-as-we-tell-you gravy train.

Anonymous ID: 9d6533 Jan. 10, 2020, 4:57 a.m. No.7771322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1550


If they bring into the court a sealed packaged with a certified date that it was saved before 'deep fake' was a thing would they tehn need a firewalled configuration so that they could be sure that the viewer woudln't also have that crap built into the viewer application.

interesting on a SOTU adress two years ago Q asked us to 'find the roll' and look for the images on the cell phone and it occured to me that there was never a clear idea of where within the image capture chain of events, at a high end camera that also gives out a picture as it is taken, there is no way to say 'here is where this image substitution of a subpart of your image happens. ' like there could be recognition within the camara hardware. And the 'fuckery' would result in a film negative being a 'true' picture, and the one thta is created with the sensor would be always doctored, doctored at the point of creation.

I thought 'what a very deeply paranoid idea, and is this what Q is trying to say' and thought 'well if it is I'd be ridiculed. and a lot was happening then, a train wreck and assassination attempts, you know, all that 'Times Up' bullshit

Anonymous ID: 9d6533 Jan. 10, 2020, 5:13 a.m. No.7771384   🗄️.is 🔗kun


so it's 'like a drug'

and then what is the MSM?

if that were how it were viewed, why wouldn't it be more important to shut of the poison MSM, the worst 'drug' ever?


and the operators who take the coin to do their bullshit here always like to try a feeble hook to some known laws. So this turd, to whose post I link, is equating use of a page as if it's shooting heroin.


and so you can live in your urban decay in your beautiful retro mansion on that wonderful urban hill surrounded by neighbors who are all junkies and be the kang of the psychologists who take money to pontificate and tell how to control and manipulate?


how the fuck do you even sleep at all?

Anonymous ID: 9d6533 Jan. 10, 2020, 5:42 a.m. No.7771481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1494 >>1538


shutting it down like that is a 'dope' button. Yes, you can push the button that the tech gave you saying 'oh gee this shuts it off' but all it really does is say 'well, we knew we couldn't trust this guy so we let him think he had the power that he demanded, but he didn't really have it because the Internet belongs to all the people, and this is now a , now that you have proven your disloyalty, and pushed the idiot button of shutting off the Internet, this matter is now of a different character, and the role of button pushers is who dared to 'click that shit' . . .


listen Internet and TCP/IP is ONE method of sharing data. And it's not the only method. Networks don't have to use those protocols. If the 'button' is pushed expect the new architecture to descend rather quickly while the keys to the ICHAN kingdome will be removed from them and the real designers of all this infrastructure of power and control reveal: it was a honey pot for the power obcessed. WE gave them a button to click and said 'dont dare click that shit' and they clicked it.


Internet isn't the only way to connect networks.

Anonymous ID: 9d6533 Jan. 10, 2020, 6:41 a.m. No.7771738   🗄️.is 🔗kun


dude, you need to send them another payment because even thugh I didn't send them anything, except for prayers, I can still see your image. It says " to view this image . . . "

Anonymous ID: 9d6533 Jan. 10, 2020, 6:48 a.m. No.7771784   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As the website turns.

Jim finds his way to a farm in Southen New Hampshire where it's said that a poet lived for a week or too, and they've turned it into a major tourist attraction, or at least a minor write off.

suddenly his phone twittles.

"I can't believe I'm really here at Roberts Farm"

but it used to be a junk yard for a while. . . . like most of New Hampshire was during the New Deal . . .


but but that's politics and I'm on a holiday.

Make your way to the slopes becuase GI guy, dashing charming with a winning smile guy . . . is on vacation but who is that?

it's dashing Jack in a ski jacket doiong his Inspector Danger bit. Oh no. Look for escapades while JPus skis backwards while podcasting in a tribute to . . . oh it's too dark to say. Fortunately all are safe and bounce off to Washington DC in a meme on another post and the story continues down the page, at the bottom of the bread. the continuing saga of reeal men in their real lives saving the world while on a sort of dangerous vacation from their real lives.

"I know I hate Q" Jack says "But I love Q"

"I won't have Anjel G as my supervisor" says Jack.


dunt dunt dunt.

the soap opera of Q anon continues

the soap opera of Q anon is a fully opensource bullshit narrative to which this author willingly says 'have fun with it'


PS: Jim and Jack are real guys in a situation, and you think that anyone here would be smart enough to see that they are on our side.