Anonymous ID: adb3cf Jan. 10, 2020, 3:29 a.m. No.7771051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1317

What is this action?


You cook?

Do you want to cook?

Do you cook?


You cook!

You are the cook.

You can cook.

The cook cooks.

What does the cook cook?

The cook cooks cook.

Good cook!

Delicious cook from the cook who cooked it.

Did the cook move fast?

did the cook cook while cooking cook?


i dont really know if i can use cook as a noun to describe the prepared food as "cook". but imma try.

Anonymous ID: adb3cf Jan. 10, 2020, 3:49 a.m. No.7771090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1140







Cysteine = found in high protein foods

  • interesting facts

-Cysteine, mainly the l-enantiomer, is a precursor in the food, pharmaceutical and personal-care industries. One of the largest applications is the production of flavors. For example, the reaction of cysteine with sugars in a Maillard reaction yields meat flavors

Cysteine is also used as a processing aid for baking


The majority of l-cysteine is obtained industrially by hydrolysis of animal materials, such as poultry feathers or hog hair. Despite widespread belief otherwise, little evidence shows that human hair is used as a source material and its use is explicitly banned in the European Union.


Alanine = found in high protein foods.

Beta-alanine is commonly used by mouth for improving athletic performance and exercise capacity, building lean muscle mass, and improving physical functioning in the elderly.


Lysine = high protein foods

Lysine plays several roles in humans, most importantly proteinogenesis, but also in the crosslinking of collagen polypeptides, uptake of essential mineral nutrients, and in the production of carnitine, which is key in fatty acid metabolism.


Glutamic Acid = protein rich foods

The glutamate neurotransmitter plays the principal role in neural activation.[5] This anion is also responsible for the savory flavor (umami) of certain foods, and used in glutamate flavorings such as MSG.


Soo. I don't know wtf i am talking about lol. just trying to figure out what happens if you take words and look at their amino-acid correlations.

The letters are not random.



Some single letter codes that aren’t the amino acid’s starting letter actually make sense when viewed from certain angles. Here’s the list starting with the bloomin’ obvious:


G — Glycine

A — Alanine

V — Valine

L — Leucine

I — Isoleucine

P — Proline

S — Serine

T — Threonine

C — Cysteine

H — Histidine

M — Methionine


Some amino acids have a letter that alludes to how the name is spoken rather than written:


F — Phenylalanine (starts with /f/)

R — Arginine (the first syllable could be are or the pronunciation of the letter R)

N — Asparagine[1]


One amino acid is labelled by its second letter (two if you count arginine above):


Y — Tyrosine


A few were labelled with letters close to their starting letter because the actual starting letter is taken:


K — Lysine (L is already leucine)

E — Glutamate (F and G were taken; but so were H and I. E is at least a letter of the name)

D — Aspartate (Basically a shorthand version of E, glutamate)


Which leaves us with tryptophan and glutamine. Glutamine is another really stretchy one:


Q — Glutamine (C and G was taken but Q is round on the left just like a G. Totally obvious?)


And finally, for tryptophan, they decided to take the actual shape of the molecule. You don’t see it? Here it is:


W — Tryptophan The W in tryptophan


Actually, perhaps it’s a mere coincidence as in they tossed a coin with the letters left; for both glutamine and tryptophan. But I like this explanation.

Anonymous ID: adb3cf Jan. 10, 2020, 4:14 a.m. No.7771162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1193


i understand what you are saying

and i think you are right

but so is other anon

drop the endocannabinoid shit

and call it something else

cause i don't have to know much to call bullshit

i call bullshit, no google, no body of knowledge

i just dont think it is called that


it is all about how proteins are built and amino acids build proteins and shit. maybe that is called the endocannabinoid system, but I think it is probably best described with a more ACCESSIBLE language. Like "protein system" or "amino acid network"

Anonymous ID: adb3cf Jan. 10, 2020, 4:29 a.m. No.7771214   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It is interesting for my diet, but I don't believe it is the "end all be all". The heart governs the brain in my opinion. It fires alot. Fuck the university crap to some degree, i just dont care. I mean specialize in something, but I specialize in nothing. The world is over-credentialed, you can probably learn that shit at openMIT or something.


The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body. The electrical field as measured in an electrocardiogram (ECG) is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG). The magnetic component of the heart’s field, which is around 100 times stronger than that produced by the brain, is not impeded by tissues and can be measured several feet away from the body with Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID)-based magnetometers (1). We have also found that the clear rhythmic patterns in beat-to-beat heart rate variability are distinctly altered when different emotions are experienced. These changes in electromagnetic, sound pressure, and blood pressure waves produced by cardiac rhythmic activity are "felt" by every cell in the body, further supporting the heart’s role as a global internal synchronizing signal.

Anonymous ID: adb3cf Jan. 10, 2020, 4:40 a.m. No.7771261   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Letter Spin



Letter Stack




Letter Mirror


p b







j i


t x