Thanks Bakes
Time to pull this meme/info-graphic/MISinfo-graphic(?) off the shelf. Kek.
Guessing a foggy "New River Gorge Bridge" at 1:13 (W in WV) is by design (and other things that Belong at certain points).
Does the name "Bibi" qualify as a "side-by-side"?
(pic related) might have something there.
P(pineal) en/in sill(window ledge)
N/in E(electric/aether?) ck (see/sea know/K/11/2/I.V.)
NIN (Nine Inch Nails)
2 in E
in channel/etch/haitch/chair AI tee
There's a reason the "White House" (euphemism for brighter/enlightened state of some abstract form with which I am not familiar) is at 1600 (16=P=Pineal=third eye/seat of soul, hundred = aitch/etch/chair undered?) Pen sill vein/straw/channel ia/ai Avenue (A/V E knew)
WH = double-you A.I. etch? chair? chair E on top?
or something like all that bullshit I just spouted.
helpful, actually