Anonymous ID: 2eb621 Jan. 10, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.7777494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7522 >>7638

Anyone else ever get worried about this “plan"?

Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube all continue to censor ….its worse now than ever. “Trust the plan" Media continues its hold on all narratives, “Trust the plan". Hollywood, sports, most forms of entertainment across the board continue to push satanism and faggotry. Symbolism and it’s “ok to be a girl-boy, he-she”. Again, worse than ever. “Trust the plan". And “God wins".


Cures? Transparency? Elite free and still in power. “Look at resignations….trust the plan". Not good enough. It’s not acceptable for people to get large benefit packages and early retirements and remain free. That’s not justice. But trust the plan.

2 Trillion fucking spending bill. Thought our military was built up with the last 700 billion that got approved? Cheney is happy. “Trust the plan".


Trump previous deal with rothschilds. Soros and Kush. Cant answer those, some don’t ask. Also, trust the plan.


Think for yourself..unless it’s against the group think.


Would like to discuss these things rather than argue. Please don’t just quote Q drops. Repeating someone else’s words isnt thinking for yourself.


Thought Q team was in control? Plane full of dead people says otherwise .

>In b4 proofless claims the people don’t exist or were clowns.

>in b4 smart ass remarks that dodge the questions asked.

>in b4 ebot quotes this with some borderline retarded reply. Like “jooh hobbit daniel faggot".


Stop becoming complacent. Always ask questions and always stay alert. I want this movement to be real. I know God will win in the end. Whether it's now or 1,000 years from now. But when is trust rewarded with results? The closer this gets reelection with no arrests the more questionable it becomes.


How the fuck is Hillary still free? How? All that evidence. How? Obama? Comey? But some magic event is going to take them all down after every investigation being done continues to find "no wrong doing" . Come on. Where the fuck is justice. No more riddles and head games. No more makers and maps. No more disinformation and empty promises indictments [2019]. No more treating us too stupid and unbalanced to know the truth. Stop treating us like sheep and give us something real.