Anonymous ID: 21ff35 March 24, 2018, 7:10 a.m. No.777956   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No. This is a game the government plays where they say they don't fund abortions but they give tons of money to abortion providers that are not supposed to pay for abortions. As money is fungible, it pays for abortions and lobbying back to the government for more funds. It's a shell game. Think optics.


See https://

Anonymous ID: 21ff35 March 24, 2018, 7:16 a.m. No.777993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8004


You're wasting your time arguing about the federal appropriations and spending process to fools who've never even run a checkbook. It doesn't matter. It was fully explained yesterday evening and last night to anyone who wants to learn. At this point, it's just shilling. MAGA on.

Anonymous ID: 21ff35 March 24, 2018, 8:25 a.m. No.778528   🗄️.is 🔗kun




(d) REPURPOSEDFUNDS.—(1) Of the unobligated bal-6ances available under the heading ‘‘Bilateral Economic As-7sistance’’ in title IX of the Department of State, Foreign 8Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 92015 (division J of Public Law 113–235)— 10(A) $35,000,000 shall be made available for the 11Emergency Reserve Fund established pursuant to sec-12tion 7058(c)(1) of the Department of State, Foreign 13Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations 14Act, 2017 (division J of Public Law 115–31): Pro-15vided, That such funds may only be made available 16if the USAID Administrator determines and reports 17to the Committees on Appropriations that it is in the 18national interest to respond to an emerging health 19threat that poses severe threats to human health; 20(B) $100,000,000 shall be for programs to accel-21erate the capabilities of targeted countries to prevent, 22detect, and respond to infectious disease outbreaks; 23and 24

1433 •HR 1625 EAH (C) $10,000,000 shall be made available for sup-1port of a multi-partner trust fund or other multilat-2eral efforts to assist communities in Haiti affected by 3cholera resulting from the United Nations Stabiliza-4tion Mission in Haiti: Provided, That prior to the ob-5ligation of such funds, the Secretary of State shall en-6sure that mechanisms are in place for monitoring, 7oversight, and control of such funds: Provided further, 8That such funds shall be subject to prior consultation 9with, and the regular notification procedures of, the 10Committees on Appropriations. 11(2) Funds made available pursuant to this subsection 12are in addition to funds otherwise made available for such 13purposes. 14(3) Funds made available pursuant to this subsection 15under the headings ‘‘Global Health Programs’’ and ‘‘Inter-16national Disaster Assistance’’ may be transferred to, and 17merged with, funds made available under such headings: 18Provided, That such transfer authority is in addition to 19any other transfer authority provided by law. 20(4) The amounts repurposed under this subsection are 21designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement 22pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget 23and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 and shall be 24available only if the President subsequently so designates 25

1434 •HR 1625 EAH all such amounts and transmits such designations to the 1Congress.

Anonymous ID: 21ff35 March 24, 2018, 8:34 a.m. No.778601   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've often wondered whether this whole thing was going to make Carter Page rich. The MSM and deep state operatives have basically been slandering him as a Russian spy for years now. He should sue all of those wankers and retire comfortably to the countryside when this is done.

Anonymous ID: 21ff35 March 24, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.778646   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I don't think he's seizing. His letter is what the law required to have access to the funds immediately. I think they still have to be used for the described purposes. Could be wrong, just skimmed through the stuff, but that's my understanding.

Anonymous ID: 21ff35 March 24, 2018, 8:48 a.m. No.778682   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Back when Bolton was nominated to be Amb to the UN, the MSM, Dems, and GOPe hated him. He had previously served in the State Department as an arms control specialist. They trotted out a few staffers who were crying that he was mean to them and fired people who didn't agree with him.


Guarantee you we are going to see a repeat of that. He will clean house.