Do you Anons think Carter Page gets busted eventually? even Q has been silent on CP
Regarding the Omnibus Bill:
Trump outsmarted them again. To all of you who are ready to boot Trump and have NO CLUE what's going on…this was NOT a budget. It was an Obnibus Spending Bill. Congress has the ability to write bills and appropriate funds for spending. the President decides what gets done with it. He outsmarted them again. He can spend this just about any way he wants. Trump studied Obama. Just as Obama slow walked money to agencies he didnt like, or didnt spend at all (which we have NO accounting for; then again where did 1.7b for Iran come from?), Obama did what he wanted with the money that was given to him over and over again..and Congress NEVER passed a single budget. There's a reason for that. Trump knows that he can do the very same thing. Use it for the wall, slow walk the money to PP, or deny them entirely. But for those of you who think you know better and want to turn your back on him because you"feel betrayed" need to rethink your position, and pay closer attention. Or research an Omnibus Spending Bill.