>Rebel California going into the ocean with a tsunami or a big earthquake.
This has been rumored for years.. Maybe that's why all the smart Caliites are leaving the state ;)
Well, if it makes the sane people in cali feel any better, it's exactly the same way on the right-hand coast.. Everyone's a bleeding heart near the water, but drive 30-40 miles inland (so, not far at all) and you are in MAGA land.
Here's a thought.
These grabbers want to play hardball? Pass a law that requires all incoming congressmen to pass a mandatory psych test.
All incumbents not exempt.
Especially if it ever comes up that exercising your right to bear requires a psych test. As a matter of fact, you might as well add psych tests for congress people as a rider if it goes this way.
If they want our guns? They have no business having access to the levers of power.
>Bisband the CIA
same with the FBI.
Most of the mass casualty events would never have happened if those agencies didn't exist. And they both are so corrupted at this point.. That there is no public trust.
They both give cops a black eye and a shitty name.
Fucked up to see in black and white. But true nonetheless.
60's muscle cars are sexy as fuck.
Imagine if the new ones were built to the same quality specs… The sheet metal on the old cars was thick as fuck, not like the recycled tin cans of today.
Crumple zones are fake and gay, I want a fucking battering ram!
Or at least if you are going to give up the (you), mock the fuck out of (((them))) instead of trying to engage them with any logic; (((They))) have none.
I fully support mocking them at every fucking turn. It doesn't count as engaging them; it counts as calling out and pushing back against idiocy ;) It also shows the normies that might come here that we won't allow those faggots to push us around. (((They))) are LOSERS.
Baby games are over. The defensive game is crap, and I'm personally done with being run over like a handwringing wallflower.
Fuck them.. Offense!
How to Quickly Spot a Clown:
– Attempting to get a divisive or emotional knee-jerk trigger response from (you) to derail research is a red flag.
– Concern trolling and copy/pasta spam shilling that contradicts confirmed findings is another red flag.
– Employing faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gas-lighting, misdirection, false equivalences, confusing correlation with causality, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, straw-men, red herrings, etc. are all yet another red flag.
– Promoting social ethics that are disingenuous, such as doxxing anyone, "reverse psychology" ploys or ones based on lying to the American People; These are obvious red flags.
– Promoting tactics that are unethical, illegal or involve violence outside the scope of the Law are huge red flags.
– Employing Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt tactics for any reason is highly suspicious.
This is just a subset of the disinformation tactics employed. A complete write-up is available here: https:// vigilantcitizen.com/latestnews/the-25-rules-of-disinformation/
>But for those of you who think you know better and want to turn your back on him because you"feel betrayed"
There's only two categories of individuals that are bitching about this:
1) the uninformed
2) failing clownfags
>I sure hope POTUS lets Americans keep their wealth at one point
Kek, that's one of the main pillars of MAGA ;)
Americans keeping the fruits of their labor instead of having it raped from them by bad deals (and fiat) makes america great again!