>being caught unprepared when they are found.
Those differences have already been found and they are so striking that they can't be published in the current atmosphere. The shift of the Overton window on this issue is necessary to be able to address some new tech and just publish the least significant/shocking things that have been discovered.
(((They)) are against a wall, no plan B because plan A was of course going to work swimmingly. Now it's apparent to them it isn't and won't, but it's too late to switch programmes or create a plan B, so they have had to accelerate extremely quickly, making their machinations very obvious (thus more object to it's blatant affront to human nature). What they want is anti-human, anti-life and insane, which is why they are so desperate now. When even the least important info comes out about the difference between "population groups" (races etc), their entire Potemkin village falls flat.
Then there will be the backlash.
They are terrified.