Anonymous ID: 9a2d4d Jan. 11, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.7783246   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"According to the Paiutes, the Si-Te-Cah were a red-haired band of cannibalistic giants.[3] The Si-Te-Cah and the Paiutes were at war, and after a long struggle a coalition of tribes trapped the remaining Si-Te-Cah in Lovelock Cave. When they refused to come out, the Indians piled brush before the cave mouth and set it aflame. The Si-Te-Cah were annihilated."


For some reason Indians were attacking them, were the giants evil ?


I think it is pretty obviuos that there where giants living on this planet.

From bible to other sources. They try to play these giants skulls as genetic mutations, but all of these skulls have some genetics in common that normal skulls do not have.



Can you please elaborate more on these pictures