ID: a9fad5 Jan. 13, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.7801483   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Alot of straight up disclosure in some movies, Hollywoods "Hellboy" is a full disclosure movie. Basically Hollywood throwing in the sheeps face, look a son of Cain marrying a witch of fire and they are having a child in part two and its going to have powers also. In part one Hellboy takes a angle grinder to his ever growing horns, besides the elongated skulls, how about the regular skulls and elongated skulls with horns? That is the line of Cain, the Seed of Cain and Academics cover all this up. Hollywood makes a movie and throws so many illuminati symbolism and reality at the sheep they cant see it at all.